Mackenzie's Hull

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"Whats the biggest single object that man has ever created?" Kane asked.

"ECCOS, obviously. Its the size of a small city.  What are you thinking, fella?" Sonie replied that after some thought.

"What can match the Karr-iyer?" Merck was on-board with the revelation.

Kane nodded slowly. "Not to take on it, but just anything that could amount to it's size."

"ECCOS has no way of navigation. Its also too important. Without it, we couldn't communicate by inter-worlds," Masod rebutted.

"The first generation ship. It stopped operation almost a millennia ago when they lost their captain, Lightly Mackenzie. It sustained a crew of 500. Its big enough for the Hollowan's vessel," Qyu suggested.

"Lets find it," Kane confronted.


Inside the Karr-iyer, Shen and his comrades gathered at the hull that is currently being repaired. Intense conversations are being spoken in many Hollowan languages.

"How long will it take to repair that part?" Shen asked.

"Only a few hours, but the reconnect to the system takes an additional few more," the on-board engineer replied.

"I want it set up in six hours. It must be functioning for a hyperdrive to the next of the five worlds. We can't give them too long. Their small vessel could damage a small part of this hull, give them time and they might come up with something worse," Shen raised his voice to his subordinates.


Kane sighed, "Its disassembled. I should have thought of that."

They were standing at the hanger for the oldest Space Exploration agency. The gigantic generation ship took off in the year 2202, and returned to the base centuries later. To land and preserve the vessel, it was taken apart and stored separately.

"How long can it be put together? Is it still working?" Heyan asked.

"Thats one thing as well. Its been ages since it shut down. Will it get working again?" Qyu poses the questions.

"Qyu, its the mass of this thing. The parts can only be launched individually, and assembled in orbit. To get each of the sectors to be safely operational, takes 6 hours in my estimation" Sonie answered.

Masod looked down in worry.

"How long did the message said we have?" Heyan demanded with a tremble in his voice.

"Barely that," Qyu breathed out.

"Certain hulls have different purpose. Maybe we only need the engines to be running. The power also supplies to the living quarters, gardens and such. We can ignore those sectors and only focus on launching," Officer Rudy suggested.

Without any debate, they went on with the plan. Heyan approached Qyu and wondered about the citizens of the Worlds. They need to be informed and evacuated, if Plan A doesn't work. Since Domia is the only of the six worlds that Shen did not want to terraform, Qyu was thinking that citizens need to leave the other home-planet as fast as necessary. 

Heyan took his team and along with Lin's. They deployed to the four planets under threat: Pioneer, Evolvo, Mercatia, and Virens. Heyan managed Pioneer, for his trusted ambassador status there. They activated nearly all vessels existing on the planet and evacuated the most amount of people as possible. This wasn't accomplished without the help of the Heads of each sector of the Union.

"I understand, we have to start somewhere. I want all citizens gather at their nearest HSAT stations and wait for the sector representative's prepared vessels. Its not going to be easy to collect everyone. No payment, no compromise, no exclusion. Bring any being that you encounter into your vessels." Heyan announced at an emergency meeting in Alphacetic. 

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