ChanYeol's quotes

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- No matter how difficult something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot. 

- I always welcome new things, if it is there for me to try then I would like to give it a shot. 

- In order to achieve what you desire, you have to constantly be pursuing and striving towards them, at the same time keeping yourself in good shape.

- I'd like to make everything that I do enjoyable for everyone. When I'm enjoying myself, I make sure that not only I find joy in the process, but also strive for a positive outcome at the very end.

- I would give myself a lot of pressure, to always be working hard and do everything well.

-  I want all of us to be together forever.

-  Let's love each other and let's become group that can love all of our fans and the staff who are working hard for us . It means love everything.

- I told myself if there was something I was the best at, then this part would belong to me.

- When I heard our fans are saving money so that they can come to see us, I felt very touched.

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