Lay's quotes

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- I will do my best as myself, then together with my team I will walk towards that most glorious day.

- I pretty much do like myself, well at the very least I don't dislike myself.

- The only way to not let myself have any regrets is to practice as hard as I can.

- It is enough for me as long as I can cherish each and every moment when you guys are beside me.

- I don't know how long we will be together in our lives, but the time we have right now, I'd like it if we had fun and we are happy.

- I don't care who you are, don't scold my family, don't touch my fans, they're the mostprecious  thing in my life.

- I don't date ugly girls because I believe they don't exist.

- I'm not a superman. I can't fly. But I'm not tired nor exhausted. And I'm not afraid nor a coward. If I cry, I don't need sympathy. Even if I fall, I will not retreat. Because this road was chosen by me. How to walk, what to walk, all of these are questions which I have to bear and think about. Giving everything on stage to you guys, and everything off stage will be bared by me. It's not possible for reality to be close to perfection, but I wish to fight against reality. 

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