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     Underneath the starlit sky, two mortals were entangled in a lover's embrace. Their lips fervently danced to the beat of their hearts while nimble hands danced upon heated skin. Their bodies perfectly pressed against each other like puzzle pieces. They meticulously predicted each other's movements, the ritual refined by years of practice and experience.

They were in love, Michael and Diane, that much was evident. One only needed to witness how they fondly spoke of one another or exchanged subtle glances to know the extent of the adoration they bore for one another. Their love was the purest. The kind that made others envious and long for what they shared. Michael and Diane knew of their impact on others but remained modest. Their love was all that mattered.

     Currently, the lovestruck couple was still locked in their fervent passion. But soon enough, they broke apart while gasping for air. Deep mocha eyes lovingly gazed into a sea of blue. A ghost of a smile flitted upon Michael's handsome features. Diane returned the smile, slowly reaching out to caress her lover's chiseled cheek. "I love you." She whispered, her lilting voice carrying in the cool, spring breeze. "I wish everyone knew what a kind, compassionate man you are. I wish everyone could see that you are a good man that is sorely misunderstood. I wish..."

Before she could ramble on, she was interrupted by Michael's sweet lips on hers. "I could do without all that so as long as you are by my side. With you, nothing else matters but the love we share." The man whispered, eyes glimmering with a kaleidoscope of emotions. "Just know that and all will be well for me."

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