S02 x E02

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Episode 2: You Revived My Father! (Part 2):

Back on Earth, it was an ordinary Autumn day in the miniscule town of Kicksburg, Montana. At the moment, a bluejay was flying through the cerulean sky, before randomly perching on top of one of the graves in the local cemetery. Its time of peace was soon interrupted before a translucent, pale blue hand popped up from the grass in front of the tombstone, startling it into flying away. The entire body suddenly pulled itself out of the ground and dusted itself off. It was none other than Ike, having arrived here as a ghost. He looked around for a spell, before adopting a look of surprise.

"Holy fuck, that guy wasn't joking. Look at me!" he exclaimed as he examined himself, before looking back at his tombstone. "Wow, that's what they buried me under? That's just sad. Ah well, better make the most of my time."

He then proceeded to stroll towards the cemetery's exit, only to find that he couldn't feel his feet touching the ground.

"Huh. I wonder if I could just float?" he asked himself, before pushing upwards off the ground. To his surprise, it worked. "Woo-hoo! Alright! Now that's what I'm talking about!"

With that, he levitated off the ground and started to fly all over the town, ignoring the fact that no one noticed a ghost traveling out in broad daylight. Eventually, Ike made it to Simmons Manor, home of two of the last people he had spoken to before his death. He didn't slow down upon arrival, instead phasing through the front door.

Looking around the exquisite foyer, he was quickly taken by surprise at the sound of childish giggling reverberating throughout the mansion.

"Er, Mark? Katrina?" he asked cautiously, before noticing a pair of boy-girl twin toddlers scampering into the room. "Whoa, shit, they got busy!"

He watched the twins laugh excitedly as they chased each other along the tiled floor, their laughter and bare footsteps echoing all over. The boy had his mother's curly jet-black hair, along with his father's olive-toned skin and brown eyes. Meanwhile the girl had her father's straight chestnut hair, along with her mother's pale skin and guacamole-colored eyes. It wasn't long before the two started to get gradually closer to the front door.

"Junior! Justine!" an aged voice with a Russian accent called from the hallway.

Ike quickly recognized the voice as Vladik, Mark's butler. He hadn't aged much since he last saw him on Earth.

"Yo, Vladik! What's going on?!" Ike asked him, only to see him run right through him as he pursued the children. "Oh... kay? That was odd."

He then proceeded to float upstairs and knock on what he assumed was the master suite, only to see his hand phase through the door and not make any sound.

"Oh, right!" he shrugged as he entered the room.

Right after he phased through the door, several moans and grunts could be heard, presumably from the couple who resided here. Ike quickly floated out of there, a traumatized look on his face.

"Gah!" he exclaimed. "Oh God! I haven't been this scarred since Gracie read me that erotic fan-fiction of hers!"

He then looked at his watch, his eyes immediately widening. Ten of his precious sixty minutes had already passed.

"Whoops, I'd better be going! Wouldn't wanna forget to visit my own family!" Ike reasoned, immediately leaving the mansion.

Upon arrival at his own place, he found his former wife and son relaxing in the living room, playing Mario Kart Wii on the large flatscreen that was installed in the corner. He couldn't help but smile as he stood behind them, noticing how both Lucius and Janice had aged slightly, and how the latter had seemingly gotten past her dark phase and become a good mother again. After a few more minutes of watching them, he looked at his watch. Yet another ten minutes had passed. He proceeded to hover in front of the two.

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