S02 x E09

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Episode 9: Rude Kids on the Block:

On what appeared to be an ordinary day, Todd was busying himself with a video on his iPad as he lay belly-down on his living room couch. From the viewer's perspective, what was on the boy's screen couldn't be identified, but the constant moans gave a huge hint.

"Whoa there, dude. Does your dick owe you money or something? Geez!" Todd widened his eyes a little. "Eh, alright, this is getting boring. I wonder what I should do now."

After closing out of the video, he sat up and pondered to himself for a moment.

"Hmm... oh, I know! Maybe I can call up Gracie and ask if she wants to live TV and chill with me," he said. "...I would say 'Netflix and chill', but Netflix isn't available in heaven yet."

Right as he was picking up his phone, however, Todd was taken by surprise at the sound of his doorbell. Sighing in mild irritation, he got up and opened it. On the doorstep were four little boys about the same age as him, all dressed in graphic tees and athletic shorts. One kid was slightly shorter and skinnier than the rest, with chestnut hair. Another was stocky with long, bleached blonde hair. The lone black kid in the group was obese with short black hair, and the final kid in the group was bespectacled with curly red hair and an average build.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" Todd asked.

"Cut the small-talk, shrimp!" the stocky kid snapped.

"Yeah, what Steve said," the redhead chimed in.

"Seriously Gabe, what's wrong?" Todd asked.

"What's wrong?! You screwed us all over with that stupid nine-to-five lemonade stand you opened!" Gabe snarled.

"Pfft, hahaha! A nine-to-five lemonade stand?!" Todd guffawed. "That's so first season!"

"Yeah, and we've been waiting since the first season to make you pay for all the trouble you got us into!" the short kid countered.

"Oh! And would you care to explain, Timmy?" Todd folded his arms, growing slightly annoyed.

"You forced us to steal ingredients in order to make the lemonade, you had the nerve to lay us all off without warning not once, but twice. And you taught us all how to swear, so because of you, I got a giant bar of soap shoved into my mouth!" the black kid said angrily. "...Ugh, I can still taste that lemon hibiscus after all these weeks!"

"Clarence speaks for all of us here," Tim nodded.

"So for a good while now, we've been plotting how we're gonna exact our revenge on you for everything you've done," Steve explained.

"...And we eventually settled on a good old-fashioned beat-down!" Gabe added.

With that, the four boys slowly started to close in on Todd, who started to nervously back up towards his front door with seemingly no help in sight. That is until the sound of a car horn could be heard from somewhere close by. All the kids looked down towards the curb, where they saw Eli's bright yellow Porsche Cayenne pulling up. Ike lowered the window from the front passenger's seat.

"Yo, Todd! We're here!" he called out.

"Uh-oh," Clarence said worriedly, before he and his cronies hurried off, scattering in various directions.

Todd let out a sigh of relief as his friends approached him, none of them appearing suspicious about what had just transpired prior to their arrival.

"Oh, hey guys. What brings you here?" he asked.

"Well you might've been too drunk to remember, but yesterday, we agreed to hang out at one of our houses instead of the bar," Jay explained. "And you agreed that today it would be your house."

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