Chapter 2: Mission

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Annie's signal was received by satellites all around the world. The satellites started transmitting the position of Annie to the androids.

The two red energy androids Red and Ruby were at the modern Eiffel Tower and received the the signal on their earpiece. They used their energy to leave and headed for Base Castilla.

The orange energy androids, Ignis and Phoenix, were at a special shooting range on Base Britannia in the outskirts of London. They were shooting moving targets with their energy blasts as a practice session in a destroyed city practice range. As soon as they got the signal they left for Base Castilla as well.

At South Africa the two green energy androids, Stephen and Emerald, were at a community conference talking to the kids and teens. Uppon receiving the signal they said their goodbyes and left for Base Castilla while also giving them a nice light show.

Violet, one of the purple energy androids, was at Base Ice in Russia arm wrestling with a muscular soldier while the others watched. She won and some cheered and the ones who made bets exchanged payments. She received the signal and said goodbye as she flew out of there with a stylish backflip exit.

It was a nice light snowing evening in Atlanta and the purple energy android called Roxo was with his family at the park. He played with his wife's daughter which he loved like it was his own. He received the signal he told them he had to go, but that he would return soon.

On an abandoned building in outskirts of Chicago, the blue energy android Sky, was sitting and leaning on a wall while looking at the snowy sky. She received the signal in her earpiece and sighed. "Guess I have to go to work then." She flew out of the building and headed for Base Castilla.

A few hours later, only seven of them were already in the satellite room. They sat on the chairs except for Violet, who was sitting on the computer desk.

Red: "So, what do you think we're here for?"
Ignis: "You would assume that a military organization would tell their soldiers what they called them for."
Violet: "Whatever it is it better be quick. I have stuff to do, like maybe installing a pain receptor"
Stephen: "Why would you even want one?"
Violet: "To feel something smartass."

Roxo entered the room but Violet didn't notice. "Come on people, don't act like teenagers."
"Captain! It's great to see you. How's little Cristina? -asked Phoenix.
"She's fine, we were playing on the snow before I received the signal."

As the group welcomed Roxo, Sky came in and softly hit the door with her knuckles. "Hello everyone."
"Sky!" Emerald walked up to her and hugged her. Red had a smile on his face. "It's good to see you again."
"You turned off your locator and we couldn't find you anywhere." -said Ruby.
"I just needed some time alone that's all."
Roxo walked up to her and hugged her as well. "Well, it's good you're back on the team."
"Thank you. So, what is the situation?"
"Well, we're not sure either." -said Ruby.
"We got called but they didn't tell us why." -said Ignis.

Stephen was checking on the computers as they talked. "Hey, I think I found out why they called us." He played the message and saw how the aliens invaded Base Mars and how High General Murkz killed Captain Williams. "So much for being quick." -said Violet.
"Nancy Williams?" -asked Phoenix.
"Captain Nancy Williams, 15th Legion." -said Stephen- "From what the records say, she was a very experienced soldier and a capable leader. Her only son is the leader of the Elite Squadron, Walter Williams."
"I think I heard he's getting married." -said Violet.
Everyone looked back at her.
"What? You hear a lot of things on the army barracks."
"Well, this means we're going to have a rough couple of days, maybe months." -said Roxo.
Stephen turned off the computer. "I hope they don't destroy the big statue on Brazil."
With that Red looked at him.
"I promised Emerald we'd go there this weekend." -said Stephen to him.

"Then you might want to postpone your trip." -said Isaac while entering the room.
"At ease Roxo. This morning we received a call from Base Mars. As you may have seen, the base was overrun by an unknown alien species that uses robots as a main point of attack." Isaac turned on the table and the image of space appeared. "As you see, the satellites detected at least 15 large ships. This is a level 10 threat, and our job as the E.S.A.D. is to protect the people of Earth from any alien invasion."
"What will be our mission sir?" -asked Emerald.
"Your first mission will be to protect the ACA Lab. Since it's close to Base York we know that the aliens will attack military outputs first. The people there are uploading all the information and data they have into encrypted files so we don't loose them." Isaac's earpiece began to ring. "Yes?" Karl was calling him from Base Deutsch in Germany.
"General, the enemy ships are expected to arrive near the Moon in a couple of hours. We will issue the warning in a moment."
"Copy that." Isaac turned twoards the team. "You have your orders, protect the lab at all costs. You're clear to go."

The androids were about to leave but Isaac had another thing to say. "By the way, we'll be using old methods of communication during the invasion. Use Morse Code, and any other old communication method available to talk to others. We are calling back the satellites."
"Understood sir." -said Roxo.

The androids left the room and headed to Gate B in the hangar where Annie was waiting for them with a transport. "You'll need to save energy for the fight. This will take you to the lab."

The transport was a Multi Altitude Military Deployer, more commonly known as a "Deployer". It could transport up to 20 soldiers to places in which they were needed and be able to cross short distances in space.

Annie stopped Sky before she left. "Sky, protect the lab. There's-"
"Sky come on! We don't have much time." -yelled Roxo from the ship.
"I'll talk to you when this is over Annie." She got inside the Deployer and the transport began to go up and then leave the base as Annie watched from the ground.

The alarm began to sound all over the world. "Attention, this is a level 10 threat warning. All citizens are to evacuate to the nearest shelter. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill."

A Threat From The Stars: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now