Roberta Hawkins Client 146 - Chapter Four

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The days flew by in a blur perhaps from the anticipation of my next meeting with Dylan. I didn't zone out or anything because I remembered doing the routine stuff like taking showers, eating food and dragging myself to work everyday. I spent a good portion of my downtime working out several possible ways our viewing appointment could go. Thoughts of Dylan kept creeping into my mind for some reason and I found myself asking questions like the kind of things he was into and if he was the type of man to let a girl know he was into her the first chance he got.

The last question made me giggle. Dylan did nothing at our first meeting to even remotely suggest he had any unprofessional thoughts towards me. I was getting ahead of myself and I knew it... but I couldn't stop. It was Friday already. The weekend was the only thing that separated me from our first viewing appointment. Okay, the weekend and all the hours before 7 pm but hey, it was close enough for me to get excited.

"You're acting like it's a date. This is just a viewing! He'll probably show up with a girlfriend clinging to his arms. Besides, it's Friday. Watch some Netflix or something."

I silenced the voice in my head before something stood out to me like a deer in headlights. It was Friday! I was supposed to meet up with Derek for dinner in...

My eyes darted across my bedroom to the clock hanging on the wall. It was ten minutes past seven and our dinner meet-up was scheduled for nine pm. I had less than two hours to get ready and make it to the restaurant he'd picked out somewhere downtown. I needed every minute of those two hours to get my outfit, hair and makeup right. This was my chance to show him exactly what he gave up the moment he chose that blonde bit*ch over me.

I didn't take the time to enjoy the hot water in the shower like I normally would because I had more important things to spend my time on. I picked a figure accentuating red dress with a plunging neckline that stopped just before my knees and paired it with some sleek black boots that matched with the black gloves that would complete my outfit. After straightening my hair and making sure my makeup was as impeccable as I could manage, I threw on my black fur jacket and black hat before stepping out into the cold night.

I stepped into the restaurant a few minutes before nine and scanned the room for Derek. He was seated in the far corner with a smile so bright and charming I would have believed he was happy to see me if I didn't live the past two months dealing with his betrayal. His hair was expertly disheveled with a few strands falling over his face and I could tell he'd recently gotten a haircut. He had grown a beard too and looked more manly than I remembered.

Derek got up and walked towards me with one arm behind him like someone from a movie scene and before I could ask questions, he pulled his hand forward to reveal a red rose which he handed to me.

I raised my eyebrow as I accepted his little gift. It was way too obvious what he was doing and I wasn't going to let him live it down. "Trying to impress me?"

He laughed. "More like hoping to. Did I succeed?"

I joined in on his laughter, intentionally ignoring his question. He didn't seem to mind not getting an answer because he kissed me on my cheeks and pointed me in the direction of our table. The smell of his cologne as he leaned in to kiss me made something stir in my core. No doubt he picked it intentionally for our meeting. He knew how much I loved the smell of expensive perfume on a man. I had barely arrived and I was already questioning the way things were going to play out. Was this a game I was going to win? 

I took off my coat and placed it behind the chair Derek had pulled out for me before taking a seat and relishing the reaction my dress forced from him. I knew how much he loved my D cup boobs and the way his eyes stayed glued to the neckline of my dress told me things hadn't changed much in that department.

"We're even."

I smiled at the thought in my head just as Derek managed to tear his eyes away from my cleavage. I could already tell this was going to be fun.

He gave me a sexy look. "Seems I'm not the only one working hard in the impression department."

"Don't flatter yourself. Impressing you wasn't even on my mind when I decided to come out here tonight." My response was not completely true but there was no way he would know so I stuck with it. I wasn't ready for his comeback if he had any and decided to change the topic. "What did you want to talk about? I'm not going to sit around all night."

"Not letting me get off easy, huh?"

I gave him the stink eye. "Now, why would I want to do that?" 

"Okay. I'll shoot straight. I'm sorry about the way things ended with us. It wasn't my intention, believe me, but I had a lot going on at the time..."

Derek went on with the yadi yada about his reason for breaking up with me but I had zoned out already. I couldn't believe anything coming out of his mouth. How could I when he left my heart shattered just two months ago? And for what? Some blonde bit*ch with possibly fake boobs. "Let me guess. She broke up with you."

Derek pulled his brows together in a confused frown. "Who?"

"Haha. Play dumb all you want. You really don't know who." I couldn't help the sarcasm that coated my words.

"For real tho. What are you talking about? Who broke up with me?"

I knew Derek well enough to know he wasn't lying. The look of confusion on his face was genuine. He really had no clue what I was talking about. Had he forgotten everything so soon? That was impossible. It was just too months ago and that wasn't far enough for a person to forget they had dated someone. Was he messing with me? Did he think I was stupid to believe he didn't remember her?

I studied his face carefully for any sign he was lying or kidding but found none. He looked dead serious and I would have doubted myself if I didn't remember everything that happened so clearly.

I was going to say 'the blonde bit*ch you chose over me' but that would only make me sound like a bitter ex. The last thing I wanted was for Derek to think I still held on to a grudge. He had no right to feel so important. Not after what he did. "Vera."

I pursed my lips and waited for him to deny it now that I had mentioned her name but Derek simply raised his eyebrow like I had lost my mind. "Vera Parker?"

I nodded. "Mm-hmm, you know the one."

"Are you kidding?" He still looked dead serious and I was beginning to get upset. "Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"Robbie, the only person who broke up with me was you. I'm apologizing for not coming after you. Like I said, I had a lot on my mind at the time and was trying to get some things sorted out. Vera and I were never together. Where did you get that from?

"Wait... What? I..."

The waitress who had walked over to our table interrupted me mid-sentence. "May I take your order for the evening?"

"Yeah, sure." Derek replied her, giving me a look that said 'this conversation isn't anywhere near over'.

I blinked in confusion as I glanced over the menu looking for anything remotely interesting to order so the waitress could go away. The evening was just getting started but I knew at that point that it was going to be a very long and interesting one.

**I apologize for missing my Monday update. Hopefully, I made up for it with this long update. Xoxo. **

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