Roberta Hawkins Client 146 - Chapter Five

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This was the last possible way I expected our conversation to go. Did I miss something somehow? But I still remembered Vera said clearly. 

"He's with me now. We've been together since April but you're welcome to join the party if you're into that kind of..."

The sensation spreading through my exposed hand caught me off guard as I snapped back to reality to see Derek stroking the back of my palm with his finger. I shivered slightly but not from shock or the cold. My mind was drawn to feelings from a time I thought I'd buried deep within my subconscious, never to reawaken. 

I kept a straight face but scolded myself in my head. "Stop it right now!" I mentally yelled, but almost laughed out loud because I knew the naughty Roberta better than anyone else. She wasn't about to stop anything. Something was awake inside me. Something I couldn't control.

"Things clearly got misunderstood at some point. I was never with Vera." The look in his eyes was genuine. I could tell because I knew him well.

"Take your hand off mine. We can have this conversation with words." It was my best attempt to keep control of my composure but I was failing miserably because I could hear the cracks in my voice. What I really wanted was the opposite of what my words claimed and I hated it. I was supposed to be upset with him or at the very least curious as to what really happened with Vera Parker. I wasn't supposed to give in to the fluttery feelings in my core from his simple action of grazing his finger against the back of my palm.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, withdrawing his hand from me.

"No! Please. I don't really mean take it away."

"Shut up, Roberta! It's for the best."

"Listen. I was always cool with Vera and she came over a couple times but that was about it. I don't know why you concluded what you did but was she the reason you left that day?"

I was suddenly ashamed of my naivety. Thinking about it now, my actions were pretty immature not to mention stupid. I took the word of some girl over my boyfriend and never bothered to hear his side of the truth. But how could I have confirmed?

"You didn't try to stop me. If you weren't with her then why didn't you at least come after me?"

"I was going through a lot at the time. Juggling my music career with a full-time job and night school wasn't the easiest thing to do. I thought it was best I let you go if I couldn't give you the time you deserved but I realized I was lying to myself. I missed you everyday but my pride kept me from reaching out... until I couldn't hold out anymore." 

Derek's eyes were sad when our gaze met again. "I'm sorry, Roberta. Please, consider getting back together. You don't have to say anything right now because I understand I'm dumping this on you out of the blue. But please, think about it. Take all the time you need. I promise not to push. But if there's a chance you still feel something..."

The waitress came back with our food stopping Derek's speech mid-sentence. She had the worst timing in the world but I was grateful for it this time. I was inches from screaming yes! I want you back too and her interruption gave me the time I needed to breathe. 

I broke the silence once the waitress left. "I feel a lot of things, Derek and I'm not sure what I want to do..." I was going to say more but I wasn't sure how he would take the other half of my sentence. It was probably best not to say it.

"I know and I understand if you're still hurt. I didn't mean to dump this on you but I couldn't let you walk out of this restaurant looking like that and not tell you what I really want to say." His lips curved into a side smile as he forcefully but silently expelled air from his nose. "I'm not helping myself I know but that dress is a killer."

I couldn't help but laugh. I had picked the dress intentionally to get this reaction from him but I didn't expect him to say all the other things. This was supposed to be a game where I walked away smiling, knowing I left him with the biggest boner he'd ever had. Instead, here I was, reconsidering my position. If what he said was true then I was the one who wronged us both and caused the end of our relationship. I fixed my gaze on my food. "You should have said this sooner."

"Why? Are you seeing someone else right now?"

I wasn't seeing anyone but that wasn't the problem. I had changed. I was no longer the same way I was when we were together. The things I imagined and the way they made me feel were shocking even to myself. I couldn't tell him any of it. He wouldn't understand. 

"No." The truth jumped out of my mouth before I got a chance to lie.

Derek smiled. "That makes me so relieved. I'll drop the subject now and let you think things over."

 I could tell I wasn't the only one who had changed. Derek was different too and I liked this version of him better. I was probably confused. It was best to take some time to think about things. My feelings were all over the place and that was a recipe for terrible decision making.

We ate our dinner in silence for the most part and Derek offered to take care of the bill. 

"You sure you want to do that?" My raised my eyebrow at him.

"It's okay." He reassured me with the wave of his hand, tapping his card on the machine and nodding at the waitress. "I'll take you home. Thanks for coming out."

I smiled at him. "I had a good time tonight, so the pleasure is all mine."

Derek smiled charmingly as he waited for me to put my coat back on. 

We exited the restaurant walking side by side to the dimly lit car park and the silence of the chilly night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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