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Mia stopped in front of the farmhouse and took a good look at it. It made Mia wish that her family had lived out on a farm. There was so much space and there weren't busy streets where all you could hear were cars, and people talking and yelling, just the loud, loud world. Here, it would have been perfect.

"Admirin' the house?" Maggie asked, holding a basket of eggs in her hand.

Mia slowly walked up each step until she was standing beside her, still gazing over the house.

"Yeah," Mia sighed. "It's a sweet piece of work."

"It really is," Maggie nodded her head. "You hungry?"

The thought of food made Mia's mouth salivate, but she couldn't think about food. She just wanted to see Carl.

She shook her head at Maggie, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm good, thanks."

"Okay," Maggie said, heading towards the door, staring at Mia as if she didn't quite believe her. "But if you need anything..."

"I'll let you know."

The room smelt of clean sheets and medicine when Mia stepped into where Carl was staying. He was fiddling around with the gold design on Rick's sheriff hat, his face all slump. He looked like he needed to go outside and enjoy the warm air that hovered around.

"Hey. How you doing?"

Carl jumped a little from surprise and glanced over at the doorway where Mia was standing. She walked in and sat in the chair in front of the bed.

"Hey," he exclaimed.

A silence swept over the two siblings, the only sound for a moment being the grandfather clock hung up on the wall. The grandfather clock had cobwebs webbed around it, and a dark crucifix hung on the wall above the bed. Anyone could tell a christian lived here, and Mia smiled at the thought. A few of her friends were christians, and it made her sad at the thought of them.

"Do you think Sophia's dead?" Carl suddenly asked.

Mia remembered her parents both telling her that when she sees Carl while he was still in need of medical treatment, and he asked about Sophia, to tell him that she was fine, otherwise he'd get worried and probably end up getting hurt again.

"Carl, what do you—"

"I know, Mia. I heard mom and dad talking while I was resting my eyes. They thought I was sleeping, or out of it, I don't know. So, do you think she's dead?"

Mia flinched at the thought and bowed her head at the idea of Sophia not being alive out there, wherever she was.

"I—I don't know, Carl. She could be. But she's strong," Mia replied, biting her lip. "She's gotta be."

"Everything's food for something else, you know," the boy stated. "But like you said, she's strong. And we're gonna find her. Right?"

"Right," Mia smiled at her brother.

Every Moment // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now