Another One Bites The Dust

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(Btw, happy birthday Taylor! 🎂)

"Taylor!!! Wake up. Dave has been calling you for 20 minutes straight." Sam is calling him from downstairs while eating her cereals. It's been a year since she decided to move into his place and everything is perfectly fine. "Taylor!!!"
"Alright. Alright. I'm waking up now." He's still tired from a huge show last night and he really wants to sleep all day but Dave won't stop calling him. So he goes downstairs and go to pick the phone.

"Yup. He's awake. I'll give the phone now." She gives Taylor the phone and let him to talk with Dave. "What? Asshole. I need more sleep."
"We got a record to do. Motherfucker. Patricia already has the materials done and we should do our part."
"Oh, yeah right. I remember that."
"And we will probably stay at the studio for a week so make sure you bring your stuff. Send my greetings to Sam. See you there."
"Alright." Taylor put the phone back and stretch his back and yawning on his way to the kitchen. "Sam?"
"I'm gonna stay in the studio for a week. So don't wait for me tonight."
"Right. The recording. I just remember. You and Dave has a project with Patricia."
"Yes. Because we will do the final recording for Foo Fighters this very same month and will probably going on tour later. We have very little time left."
"Okay. I got it. Don't worry, I might invite Emily to come over here while you're not here." She smirks and then continue to eat her cereals. "But it's a week..." He goes behind her and hug her. "So....."
"It's seven days without you." He whispered to her ear and it's kinda tickling her. "That's the cheesiest line I've ever heard." She giggles. "I know... But it is true. You know what I mean.." Sam put her bowl at the counter and then turn to him, whispering. "It means... You can't touch me for seven days."
"You got my clue!" He smirks and then plant a kiss on her neck. "I have 2 hours before leaving."
"But you have to get clean..."
"Yeah, it only takes 20 minutes so we still have one hour and 40 minutes left. What will we do with that?" Taylor untie her hair till it falls down perfectly on her back. "Well...just do whatever on your mind right now." Then she dig her nails into his bare back. Taylor carefully close the kitchen door while still biting the skin on her neck.

"You know what's on my mind?"
"I.. imagine you sitting on that chair..." He moves her carefully untill she sit on the chair. " I'm standing on my feet..." Now he moves from her neck to her lips, constantly makes her breath heavier. "...and then, your hands, they're on my waist while mine... Are..." He's about to take off his pants when suddenly Dave shows up and open the door. "Anyone in here.....whoahhhh." he jumps and it shocked both Taylor and Sam. Their faced are red with their palms on it. "God! Dave! Not a good time to shows up!"
"Sorry guys I walked into... Nevermind, you guys let the front door open! I'm worry okay?"
"Excuse me, I'm...gonna.... Go upstairs." Sam quickly buttoned up her shirt and run from the kitchen. "I didn't remember you say you're gonna pick me up." Taylor rolls his eyes and looks at Dave, annoyed. "Honestly? I'm hungry and thinking about having a breakfast with you two...." Dave then giggles, "Alright, alright. Sorry. I didn't know you two..." He can't stop laughing. "The good thing was, I didn't walk in while you two naked. Okay?"
"Nevermind. I'm gonna clean myself up and while I'm doing that..." Taylor reach a box of cereal and a jug of milk from the fridge. " can eat this."
"Really Hawkins? Fruity Loops?"


They step into the studio hearing a bass being played from the inside. "She's playing already?" Taylor ask Dave who's picking up his bag. "I told you. She got materials. We just need to do our part." Dave open the door with Taylor right behind him. It seems like Patricia doesn't notice their presence yet.

"Nice tone." Taylor says which kinda surprised her. "Oh hey." She takes off her headphone and then put her bass. "Thank you for coming."
"Don't mind us. We're just kids who like to play." Dave replies, and then goes straight to his guitar. "Okay then. Track 1. Dave on guitar, Taylor on Drum." She says, smiling and read out the list she's already put. "Any chances Dave going on drum?" Taylor ask. "Yeah. Track 5. Dave on drum, vocal on you, guitar and bass on me." Dave smirks, "Alright. Let's do the first one first. Shall we?"

Taylor sits behind the drums which is placed in a separate room. "Jam first, if it's good, we'll record our part. Okay?" Dave says to both Taylor and Patricia. "Ready? One...two....three....four." It starts with Dave strumming followed by her bass. And then Taylor joining in after he gets the feel.


Meanwhile, Sam is having lot of jokes with Emily, along with her friend, Jenny who's also the bassist of her band. "That was... embarrassing." She laughs while keep her hand on her face. Telling both Emily and Jenny about Dave walked into her and Taylor when they were making out. "Don't forget to lock your door, girl." Jenny grab a bunch of chips while still laughing to Sam's story. "But seriously, it can be a hot story if Dave wasn't walk into us like that." Sam gets up to take more chips and put them into the bowl.

"Anyway, what would you do for a week?" Emily ask, and Sam seems like has no idea. "Don't know... Walk around places, probably?"
"What about join us? We will have a small tour start on tomorrow. It's gonna be fun. We also have a sound engineer that you might like. She's really badass too."
"I can do that?" She looks at Emily and she's nodded, agree on what Jenny has said. "Really? That's gonna be awesome honestly."
"Oh, and don't forget that Theresa and Stella can't wait to meet you." Emily adds. "Wait, so Stella really made the cut?"
"Yeah. I'm glad Flea introduced her to us. You know, Josh is pretty much on tour with John so..."
"Oh...yeah, I heard that. I thought about it too. I didn't know you already pick Stella and I was so confused about how you guys will play without Josh."
"Yup. We have Stella now!"
"I can't wait to see you all play on tour!" Sam says, excitedly. When they're all chatting and else, Sam hear her phone is ringing. "Wait here, I'll be back." She gets up and get the phone.

"Hi honey. It's me."
"Taylor? Hi. You already eat?"
"Yes. Dave bought some burritos. What about you?"
"Chips." She giggles, which makes him giggles too. "Eat something else. Haha. You don't want to find yourself craving for food in the middle of the night."
"I will. Maybe pizza, or pasta. Emily told me earlier." It makes her smile to know that she can feel Taylor's smiling across the line even though she can't see him. "I miss you already."
"Me too. Especially because Dave walked into us today. Asshole." She also an hear him laugh lightly as he says the Dave part. "I have an idea... But, do you have a room for yourself or..."
"Yup, we have our own rooms. Why?"
"Maybe... We can talk on the phone late at night and... Maybe....a little bit naughty?" She can hear Taylor takes a deep breath. "Good idea. What time?"
"11? How about that?"
"Nice. I'm gonna make sure I lock the door this time."
"Alright then! Call me again at 11. Okay?"
"Absolutely. Can't wait for it."
"Me too! Bye." She put the phone back and then go to the living room again to Emily and Jenny.

"Hey, can we finished the movie before 11?

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