B for Barbados

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Chris packed his stuff but still not sure about the trip. "What? You need a break. Trip is a good thing."
"I know, it's not the trip but... You know the idea of us going there together. Just two of us. I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why? You think something will happen to us? I don't think so."
"Neither do I. It's just.... I'm actually worry about the band find out about it. Since I told them I that I didn't know whatever happened with you and Taylor. I technically lying to them. It will not look good if they find out we're going to Barbados together."
"Well don't tell them then! Ugh please."
"Okay, okay. I will not. But we'll come back here before I go on tour right?"
"Absolutely. No need to worry." She takes Chris' bag and bring it along with hers.

They get into a cab and tell the driver to go to the airport. On their way, Chris get a phone call from his ex. "You won't answer it?" Sam looks at him while he's staring at his phone screen. Doing nothing. "No. I'm not gonna do that." He then reject it, pull the battery out and put them all in his bag. "It's better to not seeing anything from her for now."
"That's your choice. Just do what you need to do."
"I'm gonna enjoy the shit out of this trip."
"Now that's what I call a holiday spirit!" She slap the back of his shoulder and laughs along with it. "Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it."
"What? The slap on your back?"
"No. Haha. I mean the trip."
"No problem. I'm sure it will be boring for me to go alone."
"Oh yeah, about that. Where did you get the tickets? Why there are two of them?"
"Umm..from Chad. Actually he gave me this so I can have some times with Taylor. But you know what happened."
"Oh, umm. Sorry for asking."
"Ah, just stop. Stop being sorry for everything that he did." She rolls her eyes and then throw a water bottle to him which makes him laugh. "Alright, alright, haha. Sorry...No, I mean I'm not sorry."
"Good. Don't be."


"So they're in Barbados now?" Anthony sit down and wipe his face with a towel after done another show. They're all are in the end of another leg of their Stadium Arcadium tour. "Yeah, also they will have a tour next week so why not now? Right?" Chad throw another towel to Anthony when Flea walks in the way and the Towel hit him. "Sorry Pal. That's for Tony."
"No shit. I'll take this." He giggles and wipe his whole torso with that before tossing it to Anthony. "Ugh, no thanks." Anthony put the towel to the table instead of using it. "I'll get us beers."

"Where's John and Josh?" Flea can't find both of them. Chad looks around and see them from the door gap. "I think they're talking right now. Why?"
"Nothing. I want to ask John out and tell him about our plan on the break time. I think I'm gonna go study again."
"Oh, that's good." Chad says. "Oh, and trying to have another project. That's gonna be interesting." He adds. "Good idea. I'll considering it. Thanks Chad."

After some rest, Chad remembers that he promised Sammy to meet up at a bar. "Guys. I need to go."
"Where?" Anthony already bring beers for all of them and Chad usually is the one who won't pass. "Are you sure?"
"I am. I have to meet Sammy."
"Sammy who?"
"Sammy Hagar. You dumbass."


"Maaaan. Chad!" Sammy swallow a whole glass of beer just a moment before he see Chad walks in. "Sammy! What's up?"
"Good. Hear the tour is done now?"
"Yup. We need resting time. All of us are exhausted." Chad raises his hand, giving a cue to the waitress to get a beer for him.

"Anyway, you should jam with us sometimes?"
"Me and Michael."
"Oh... I don't know, when we have time, maybe."
"Anyway, you forced me to meet you here. Why?" Sammy takes another glass and drink it along with Chad. "Nothing really important. I'm just having a thought that I need to forget."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Just things that bothering me without any specific reason."

Just as he and Sammy have a talk, Chad notices someone from the corner of his eyes. "Hey Dave! Come here!" He's surprised to see another familiar faces on this room. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm gonna meet Taylor here. We need to discuss things before the tour."
"Taylor? He's in Barbados with Sam." Dave looks at him with confusion. "What are you talking about? Taylor didn't go anywhere."
"Wait but..."

Speak of the devil, Taylor arrives and it surprised Chad more than anything. "Taylor? Wasn't you... I mean... You didn't go to Barbados?"
"Barbados? What are you talking about?"
"Sam went to Barbados, and it's supposed to be with you." He explained, now looking at Sammy as he stands up. "Umm Chad, I think I should go. Maybe we'll talk later."
"Uh, okay. I'm sorry Sammy. But I'm really confused right now."
"That's fine. Night Chad!"
"Yeah. You too."

After Sammy left the room, Chad turns back to both Taylor and Dave. Which Dave kinda gets what happened. "Um. So you didn't know anything?"
"Like what?"
"Your sister broke up with Taylor. There's no way they go together. He's here."
"Broke up? Why? No, I mean when?? She didn't tell me any of this."
"She just doesn't want you and me to get awkward. I suppose." Taylor tries to give him some reasonable excuse because he can't tell him what really happened either. "I get it, but why lying to me?"
"Yeah. She said she went with you!"
"Umm. Calm down Chad. Maybe she went there alone and it's just because she doesn't want to disappoint you...."
"No Taylor you don't understand. She sent me a picture of her holding someone hands. I swear."
"Wh..." Before Taylor can say anything, Dave cut him. "She's dating someone?"

There's a long silence and it becomes clearly that Chad doesn't like what his sister did at all. "She didn't tell me anything!"


Meanwhile in Barbados, both Sam and Chris are having a sunbathe while playing Scrabble together. "There's no way you can beat me on Scrabble." Sam just got another points which stretch the score even more. "So we're here, in Barbados, just to play Scrabble? We can do this in apartment." He laughs, mocking on how serious her face is. "Oh really Shiflett? You can't win so now you complain." Sam put another word again and doesn't hide the fact that she's proud about it. It would be Chris' turn when suddenly Sam gets a phone call. "Don't do anything before I finish this call." She keeps an eye on him while taking the call.

"Yeah Chad?"
"Oh hey Sam! How's the trip?"
"Wow. It's great. We really enjoy it."
"Really? I'm glad to hear that. Oh and can you give the phone to Taylor? I couldn't call him since this morning."
"He's umm.. he's not here right now. But he will be. I'll send your message to him." It doesn't matter how much Sam tries to keep calm, but she's really scared that Chad will suspect something wrong. "No, I need to talk to him like personally."
"Umm.. but I don't know when he will be back and..."
"You don't know?"
"I mean, I'm not sure it's...."
"He's not going isn't he?"
"Stop lying to your brother. I know Taylor isn't there with you. He's still in LA and I just met him. Now, you want to tell me anything?"

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