The First Wish

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Pidge clapped her hands and changed back to her carpet form. Blue glanced back to her pile of gold and whimpered seeing it gone, just like everything else.

"So what it'll be Master?" Lance thought for a moment.

"As I said before, please call me Lance, wait did you say that you'll grant me any three wishes I want?" Hunk shook his head.

"Almost, there are a few provisos, a couple quid pro quos."

"Like?" Lance asked.

"Ah rule number one: I can't kill anyone," slicing a finger under his chin separating his head from his body. "So don't ask," Lance shuddered at the thought of killing someone.

"Rule number two: I can't make anybody fall in love with anyone else," Hunk turned his head into a giant pair of lips and kissed Lance's cheek and then turned his head back into his own head. "You little punim, there," Hunk lay down flat on the ground and slowly raised as a creepy zombie version of himself.

"Rule number three: I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture," Hunk grabbed Lance around the shoulders and shook him. "I don't like doing it!" With a snap of his fingers, Hunk was back to normal "other than that, you got it!" Lance tapped his fingers on his chin and turned to Blue as if plotting something.

"Ah, privsos? You mean limitations? On wishes?" to the side, he spoke to Blue and Pidge. "Some powerful genie--can't bring even people back from the dead, I don't know Blue--he probably can't even get us out of this cave," Lance stood up and Pidge glanced at Hunk turning back to her carpet form.

"You really shouldn't have said that Lance," Pidge said as he and Blue started walking away.

"Looks like we're gonna have to find a way out of here--," before Lance could finish his sentence a giant foot stomped down on the ground blocking their way. Lance and Blue jumped back in order to avoid being stomped on.

"Excuse me? Are you lookin' at me?" Hunk said growing slightly madder with each passing minute. He failed to notice the look Blue and Lance were sharing because of his anger. "Did you wake me up, did you bring me here? And now all of a sudden you're walking out on me?" Hunk shook his head. "I don't think so, not right now, you're getting your wishes so sit down!"

Lance winced and Pidge changed into her carpet form and Lance and Blue sat down on the carpet. Hunk changed into an airplane steward and sat on Pidge behind Lance and Blue. His arms changed into many as he pointed out the exits out.

"In case of emergencies the exits are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, anywhere!" With a smile, Hunk clapped his hands "keep your hands and arms inside the carpet" Pidge lifted off and flew towards the ceiling. "Weeee'rrrrrreee...outta here!"

The group popped out of the cave and into the outside world once more.


The next morning Lotor was kneeling in front of Shiro's throne. Shiro sat on his throne a soft glare towards Lotor, Keith standing beside him. Keith glared at Lotor, hate filling him from what he had done. Black sat tall beside Shiro while Red sat beside Keith.

"Lotor, this is an outrage. If it weren't for all your years of loyal service...from now on, you are to discuss the sentencing of prisoners with me, before they are beheaded," Lotor bowed his head placing a and over his heart.

"I assure you, Your Majesty, it won't happen again," Shiro stood up off the throne.

"Keith, Lotor let's put this business behind us, shall we?" Shiro grabbed Keith's hand and they descended the few stairs towards Lotor. Lotor bowed to the two royals and grabbed Keith's hand.

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