Lotor Takes Center Stage

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After the firework show, Lance and Keith climbed back onto Pidge and flew back to the palace.

"I want to thank you Lance, you showed me the world, and all in one night," Lance smiled.

"Think nothing of it" Keith smiled.

They soon arrived at Keith's balcony, Pidge created a set of stairs and Keith slowly stepped off with Lance's help. As soon as the prince was safely off, Pidge lowered herself down. Lance stood up so he was at eye level with the prince.

"Good night, my handsome prince," Keith said with a loving smile.

"Sleep well, Your Highness," Lance replied, the two started to grow closer, their faces growing closer. Pidge finally was tired of waiting and lifted Lance up. Lance and Keith's lips meeting, both of their eyes widened before they slowly relaxed and enjoyed the kiss.

When the need for air interrupted, they separated, smiles present on their faces. Keith slowly turned and walked to the curtains. He turned back to Lance a gave a small wave. Keith then entered his chambers, the curtains hiding him from Lance's view.

After a few moments, Lance remembered where he was and fell back on to Pidge.

"Yes!". Pidge then began to descend back to where their friends were. "For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right," Lance smiled as he glanced up to Keith's balcony. Suddenly hands ripped him off Pidge.

"Hey! What?" before he could say any more, a white cloth was tied around his mouth. "Blue! Blue!" Lance cried out, however, his words were muffled by the gag. Lance glanced up and saw Blue, Yellow, and Green hanging from a net tied around a tree branch.

He recognized the men as some of the palace guards. The guards shackled his wrists behind his back and shackled his ankles as well. One guard on his left side was knocked away by Pidge(who was still in carpet form), the knocked away guard recomposed himself and knotted Pidge around a nearby tree.

Lance from where he was, heard Green growl in response. As he struggled to get free, a staff was slammed on the ground a few feet in front of him, making Lance stop struggling. Lance glanced up and glared as he recognized the man as Lotor.

"I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Abooboo," he said with a smirk, Sendak sharing a similar smirk as he sat on Lotor's shoulder. "Make sure he's never found," Lotor said as he walked away.


From behind, a guard struck Lance in the back of his head. Lance soon found himself unconscious. Blue whined as he watched her master being dragged away.

Lance woke up to one of the guards linking a rock to the chain around his ankles. He yelled muffled protests as the guards picked him up and tossed him over the edge of the cliff, down towards the ocean. As he fell, he could hear the guards laughing, before Kolivan yelled at them to leave.

Lance felt the impact of the water and tried to free his ankles from the rock. He fell deeper and deeper before finally hitting the bottom. Lance glanced up and saw the turban with the lamp falling towards him. However, the turban landed a few feet away, and without hands, Lance couldn't reach it.

Lance tried to pull himself to the lamp, but the heavy rock was keeping him from doing so. Lance soon ran out of air and collapsed, the rock rolling down with him. When his body hit the floor, the lamp slid out of the turban and slid down into Lane's shackled hands.

His fingers twitched and soon the lamp shook and soon Hunk appeared with a pink shower cap, a pink bath brush, and a yellow rubber duckie.

"Never fails. Get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp," Hunk squeezed the duck and then turned to the unconscious Lance. "Hello," Hunk's eyes widened seeing Lance unconscious, and underwater. "Lance? Buddy snap out of it! You can't cheat on this one! I can't help you unless you make a wish. You have to say "Hunk I want you to save my life."

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