Chapter 18

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"Thank you again for such a wonderful night." Lily smiled as she walked up the path that led to the Mayor's Mansion, her hand laced happily with Emma's. Tonight marked their third date, and while Lily had been hoping that Emma would have accompanied her back to her place, she would have to make do with a small kiss on Regina's forth porch for the time being. "Breakfast tomorrow?" She asked sweetly as they reached the front door, and turned to face each with their joint hands swinging in between them.

"Shit, I've got a thing at work first thing," Emma replied, small frowns appearing on both sets of lips, while their hands squeezed together comfortingly. "How does lunch sound instead? My treat." The Sheriff shot her a cheeky wink, bringing the soft smile back onto her pink lips.

"When is it going to be my turn to treat you?" The brunette shot back playfully, gasping as she was quickly pulled into Emma's strong arms.

"You give me a treat at the end of the date, and that's all I need." She cooed before stealing a quick kiss. It was always fleeting, a simple peck, nothing like her kiss with Regina. Emma couldn't bring herself to give herself over to Lily just yet. Things with her were meant to be fun, without the pressure of feelings getting in the way, that's all Emma could handle.

"You are so corny," Lily smiled brightly as she rested her head against Emma's. "But it's a good look on you." She reassured once she saw a look of panic fly across Emma's face.

"I believe it's called having game." The Sheriff smirked while pinching her hip playfully, making her jump further into the embrace.

"It is, and, you don't. It's cute either way." She let out a small giggle, before leaning in to brush their lips together once again, only pulling away when she caught sight of a young brunette peaking out the window. "I believe we have an audience." She smiled sadly, prompting Emma to jump back, dropping her like a hot potato.

"Shit," The blonde cursed under her breath as she face planted into her hands. She knew what was waiting for her when she went inside. Henry had his heart set on her and Regina getting back together, and none of his plans had included her moving on with her childhood crush. But life gets in the way of childish plans, and Emma was done chasing the brunette. She knew that it would be an awkward, and painful conversation she'd have to have with her son, but it was one that was well overdue.

"You haven't talked to him yet?" Lily spoke softly as she reached out to play with the blonde's trembling fingers. She could feel Emma's nervous energy filling the air, and while she didn't know what it was like to deal with a teenager, she empathized with the blonde and wished that there was something she could do to help Emma out, but she knew that it wasn't her place and would never try and step into a role that she had no business being in.

"I didn't want to until I knew it was serious," Emma muttered, a faint blush playing on her fair cheeks.

"And is it? Serious, that is..." The brunette asked biting her lip in anticipation. She couldn't describe how amazing it felt to finally have Emma in her life, to be able to reach out and kiss the blonde after all those years of pinning and kicking herself for missing on her chance in the first place.

"Maybe." The blonde gently cupped Lily's cheek, pulling her towards her lips. Gently, Emma captured her lips, pouring as much passion as she could into the kiss. Lily was amazing, and Emma was done holding back, the brunette deserved that much. "But, this is a discussion for us to have over lunch tomorrow." She added breathlessly, before stealing one last fleeting peck.

"Goodnight Em." Lily shook her head dizzily, completely reeling from the passionate kiss.

"Night." The Sheriff muttered with a soft smile on her lipstick stained lips, as she watched the brunette practically skip down the path to her car. Emma let out a sigh of contentment as her hand hovered over the doorknob, she dreaded what was waiting at the other side of the door, but she knew that it was about time she faced her son and set him straight once and for all.

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