Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry I haven't been on like at all. I combined this 3 part chapter into one super long one. If you don't like them that long just tell me I will go back to shorter ones.


The plan ride was long, 13 hours. But they have been away from home for a whole month. They sat together, two blankets across them, a pillow in the middle of them, hands intertwined under the blanket. It was blissfully sweet, peaceful. Scott woke up to Tessa kissing his jaw and ear, the lights were off so it was dark. "Tessa..."

"Scotty." She only called him 'Scotty' when she wanted something, when he wasn't listening to her, or- as he found out recently- when she in a mood- the good kind-. "I love you."

"Love you too, babe." Scott said to mess with her back. She was never a fan of nicknames like that but he said it a few times the past couple of weeks and she was okay with it. "Is it okay I call you 'babe'?"

"Yeah, I like it." Her checks turning pink. She snuggled up against him, falling asleep.

He gently woke her up, when they landed. "Tessa, time to wake up babe."

She just groaned, swatting at his shoulder. "You know not to wake me up."

"I know. But we are home. Your mum and family is waiting to see you." Scott said, pulling back the blanket.

"Your my home." He didn't know if she was still sleeping.

"And your mine." Scott said softly. He never wanted to the leave her side but he knew that he had to go his separate ways once they landed. "Tessa, time to get up. We are almost landing."

"Babe hold me." Tessa said, half asleep.

"I can hold you all you want when we get home-" Scott stoped talking when he realized what he said.

She lifted her head up to look at him. "Should we start living together?" She blurted out.

Scott took a moment to think, "I wouldn't mind getting out of my parents guest house every once in a while... and then when it's time to move, we can looking into something big enough for both of us." Scott chimed in.

"Okay good, cause my next question was going to be asking you to move in. My house is too big for just me anyways." Tessa said, sure of herself.

Scott put his phone down and turned to face Tessa, trying to focus all of her energy to staying awake. "Hey." He pulled her attention to him more, taking her hand in his after. "I-"

She met his gaze, cutting off his thought, seeing the smile creep on his face and the thoughts that crossed his mind. "Move in with me, Scott."

"Okay." His answer was simple and sealed with a kiss. He didn't need any convincing, he had been living with Tessa for the last month and it had been the best month of his life. The late night conversations, movie cuddles, snuggling into her when it was time to sleep, waking up to her sleepy gaze in the morning. It was everything he dreamt of but better. It was interesting to Scott how quickly the roles had reversed between Tessa and him. At one point, he was fighting for her to share her feelings, but now she couldn't stop from sharing. She said I love you first, she asked him to move in. Scott gave her a new found confidence, and he loved it.

The plane landed and Scott grabbed her stuff. "I got it." Scott said as she reached for her suitcase.

"Thank you." She patted his bum as he walked in front of her.

Her mum was waiting for them at the front gates. Tessa ran to her mum hugging her, she missed her so much. Scott did the same, he was apart of her family at this point.

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