In the Forest Where Secrets Sleep

21 7 10

Day One: Prompt: Forest

What will I find in the trees of the forest,

Between branches gnarled like the hands of an old woman,

And leaves rustling in quiet conversation?

What will I find in the foliage and weeds,

Spreading across the ground and creating,

A patchy carpet for the acorns to rest?

Will I find your secrets carried by the wind,

Echoing through every twig and stick,

Before they fade away in the dark?

Will I find the box in which your heart is kept,

Buried underneath the grand oak and

Guarded by a vixen who awakens at night?

Will the key be held in a badger's teeth,

That I must follow through underground tunnels,

As twisted roots dangle above my head and flakes of

Dirt cascade on to my hair like snow?

There is only one way to know.

Into the forest I must go. 

November IncandescenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz