Meeting the Other One

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Hoshi's POV

"So why did you become the new teacher?" Yukio asked as we lugged my bags up a hill where my future home was waiting.

"Oh you know I did it for the money and it was a way to get 'Sir Pheles' to shut up about it." Yuki just laughed and I punched him on the shoulder. "What? Were you expecting me to do it for the kids because I'm their age so I don't feel guilt from them!" That just made him laugh harder.

"Wow you really are a demon!" He laughed as we arrived at the old and nasty dorm.

"Ew you actually live in this dump?"

"Yeah it's gross but hey it's better on the inside." He said rubbing the back of his neck as I laugh nervously. As we walk up to the door Yukio pulls out his keys and I swear I could hear the sound of someone running in the background. I look around but I don't see anyone.

"Hey Yukio do you hear that?" Yukio turned to me and gave me a confused look.

"Hear wha!-" He said as the door burst opened and something jumped on him! Once I regained my composer I rush over to were Yukio was now laying getting sat on by this boy with dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, pointy ears, pointy teeth and an apron with a plane white t- shirt a black jeans underneath.

"So you think it's just okay to show up for breakfast 2 hours late! Your meal is now cold and I wasted all that time making it!" The random guy screamed at Yukio.

"Um who are you and why are you sitting on Yukio?" I asked as they both looked up to me. Then the guy jumped off of Yukio and walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Rin, Yukio's older brother." He said holding out a hand and I shook it.

"Yea only older by a minute." Yukio mumbled as he got up. Wow I really would have thought Yukio would have been the older one by the way the two acted.

"Oh so Yukio this is your twin!" I exclaimed as I looked from Rin to Yukio. You could tell they were related but you would've probably thought they were cousins but not twins.

"Oh yea he's the less popular twin." Yukio teases while getting up off the ground.

"Yea right! I'm more popular then you! You four eyed mole face!" Rin yelled back as I started to laugh and they stopped bickering.

"Hey Hoshi, what's so funny?" Yukio asked as I took a break from laughing.

"It's just I have been alone for so long I forgot what it was like to have like a play fight with a friend."

"Oh well it's getting cold lets go inside." Yukio said to break up the awkward silence after my depressing statement.

"Sure." I said following the twins into my new home as Rin continued to complain about breakfast. When we got inside I realized that Yukio was sort of wrong, I mean it's a mess in here! There were dirty socks lying around, stained t-shirts, moldy pizza and an upside down pudding cup. While the two of them continued on down a hall, I knelt down and picked up said pudding, but the weird thing was the plastic lid was still sealed and on. I shove the pudding in my bag and chase after the two arguing twins.

"So now that Hoshi's here will I be cooking for all three of us?" Rin said pulling me back into reality and the conversation.

"Yes but now since we have two sources of income we can buy better food." Yukio answered pushing his glasses up, then turned to me. "Okay we can start the tour after breakfast, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, I haven't had breakfast yet, and I want to try Rin‘s cooking!"

"Okay then we'll all have brunch togeth-" Yukio was interrupted by his cellphone going off. He quickly pulled it out and answered it. He talked for about 5 seconds quietly then hung up and turned to us. "Sorry it looks like brunch is going to have to wait, Hoshi there is a high level demon trying to break through the barrier and Mephisto needs us to handle it."

"Okay." I sigh heading back to the door, then I yell to Rin in a low a scary voice, "Make sure there's food on the table when I get back!" He quickly nods and runs into the room I'm assuming is the kitchen.

"So where's the demon?" I turn to Yukio still upset about not getting to eat and my low, growl tone made him jump a little.

"Um, it's just beyond the forest behind this place, that's why we're being sent to deal with it."Yukio explains and I sigh as we walk out the door and back into the cold.

"Well let's go kill ourselves a demon."

Demons || Blue Exorcist [ON HOLD]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt