Sirius? - Wolfstar (Harry Potter / Marauders Era)

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Description: For Remus Lupin, time moves on, but he can't let go of the one thing he should. When that one thing shows up after twelve years, nothing and everything is the same.

Warnings: None, but SO MUCH ANGST with a lil bit of fluff

Word Count: 1520

(A/N): Hi guys! Just reminding you guys (as if you need it) that JK Rowling owns every single character in this one shot, and that I don't own even a tiny bit of the Harry Potter Universe (though I wish I did). Long bits of italics are flashbacks. Thanks so much for reading! ~ Kira

Remus Lupin sighs for the fifth time that night, crumpling his copy of the Daily Prophet once again in his hands. The paper falls onto the coffee table, and the corner begins to soak up the spilled hot chocolate from the day before. Remus watches it for a moment before retrieving the paper and smoothing it out, ignoring the now stained corner. He stares at the loop of the screaming man on the front page, his eyes barely holding themselves open from lack of sleep. He hasn't had a good night of sleep for twelve years, the shouts of the aurors still ringing in his ears from when they dragged Sirius to Azkaban.


He's pushing through the crowd of aurors, being dragged back back the crowd as the screams grow louder.


Sirius is screaming and Remus can't tear his eyes away. Sirius locks eyes with him and reaches towards him for the last time as the aurors bind his arms and take his wand.


His shout is cut off at last as the nearest auror casts an effortless, almost lazy, silencio charm. By now, Sirius is sobbing and thrashing like a madman. Remus finally breaks through the wall of witches and wizards and sprints towards Sirius. He blocks out the protests of the bystanders and falls to the ground, cradling Sirius' head in the crook of his neck, not realizing until he's lifted off the ground by some false-sympathetic aurors that there is blood staining his clothing. He freezes and scans Sirius's body for injuries, finding only a few cuts on his arms and face. Not nearly enough to produce the amount of blood on him. He gets to his feet, pushing the aurors away from him, hands over his mouth in mute horror as he takes in the bodies on the street for the first time. He only hears the minister whisper about betrayal and Peter before he turns and walks away, the aurors move closer to the scene, needing more power to restrain Sirius until someone casts petrificus totalus. He turns away and doesn't look back.

Remus shakes his head, snapping out of his reverie. The paper is once again clenched in his fist. He releases the paper, carefully placing it on the chair, not bothering to flatten it back out. He walks silently up the stairs and to his room, a path worn a thousand times over by his pacing feet. As soon as he enters the room, he mindlessly turns and sits on the edge of the bed, mechanically removing his shoes and placing them neatly next to the nightstand. Then, he lays back onto the wrinkled sheets and stares at the only picture he has left on the shelf. It's a picture of his mother and Sirius on the day they graduated Hogwarts. His mother is laughing as Sirius presses a kiss to Remus' cheek as they both blush pink. Remus should have thrown it out long ago, but can't bring himself to. A barely perceptible smile, the most he's been able to produce, tugs at his lips.

"Come on, Moony," Sirius teases, pulling Remus along by the hand, "It's our last day of Hogwarts. We have one more day before the big bad wolf of responsibilities comes to get us."

Remus groans and rolls his eyes, but he is smiling too much to be serious right now (pun intended). He keeps a careless grip on Sirius' hand as they run towards the black lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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