Chapter 2- making the move

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        I sat at my thinking spot for a little bit, analyzing the situation. Should I approach her? Is she gonna go to my school? She kinda looks like she'll beat me up, man. Oh well. I decided to introduce myself.
        I walked across the street, and saw her. Her family must be inside. I said hi but she had her headphones in, the music was so loud I could hear it! I taped her on the shoulder.
        "Hi I'm an-" she cut me off
        "why would you touch me? What is wrong with you?" Great andy. Nice going.
        "I'm uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Andy, and I live across the street"
        "Um, okay. Hi I'm Bailey and I live well... here." She pointed to her house.
        "So I guess you're new here? Well if you ever need a guide to show you around Dallas, I'm your guy." how cheesy.
        "haha, okay. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer when ever we're done here."
        "Well do you need some help?" I offered.
        "Um... yeah I guess. Let me introduce you to my parents first though. They're kind of... overprotective I guess." She walkes me into her house, where I see her mom, dad, and little brother I'm assuming.      
        "Mom, Dad, this is Andy. He lives across the street. Can he help us with the boxes?"
        "Hi Andy, I'm Taylor. This is my husband, Felix, and our son Johnny. Sure you can help us. All the boxes are labeled according to their place." Her mom said.
        "Okay. Beautiful house you have here, ma'am." I said, very polite of me, if I say so myself.
        "Ma'am? You're making me feel old, haha. Just call me Taylor."
        "alright, Taylor. we're gonna go unload the truck now." Bailey and I walk out to the truck.
        "I'm sorry, my dad and brother are kinda socially inept. My mom could small talk for hours, though" She handed me a box labelled "johnny"
        "no no, it's okay. They're pretty cool people. Enough about that though... So why did you move here? I mean all we got is heat, and people with some bad accents." She laughed.
        "My dad has a job here, so we all had to be dragged from Oaklahoma, where all my friends are." we talked a little more, but after we finished the last box it was late and I had to go home.        
        "Hey, Andy, why don't you stay for dinner? In fact, you can invite your parents, if you want." Taylor said.
        "Uh, can we take a raincheck? I kinda got to get home, and stuff. I promise we will some time soon though!" I felt bad for saying no, but I barely knew these people, so it would have been a bit awkward, and I wasn't really in the mood to talk to my parents.
        "Alright. See you later, Andy. Thanks for the help." Her dad, Felix said. First time I've heard him talk. 
        "Mom, can I walk andy home? You know.. Buddy system and everything" Bailey... wanting to walk ME home... something's going on here. 
        "Hm... I guess. Hurry up though." we walk out the door, I mean my house is close by, but I kinda like her presence."
        "Hey.. so andy, do you uh... do you think we could swap numbers? You know, just in case I decide to take you up on your offer, to tour me around..." Bailey asked me for my number, what a plot twist.
        "Um yeah sure. here" We swapped numbers and then I got home. She walked back to her house, i hesitated going in so I made sure she got there safe.
        When I walked into my house, my parents we're asleep, I guess. They always go to bed early. I texted Bailey and we kind of just had a four hour conversation about nothing. In the end, we somehow decided on saturday that I would show her around. This should be fun...

I hope this chapter isn't too short for you guys, lol. I kind of like where this story is going. Sorry there was alot of talking in this one. Only to introduce the characters. It'll get better, I swear.

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