Chapter 7- the performance part 1

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***ANDY'S POV***

        I was full of nerves today, considering that this was really the first performance with the guys. I mean yeah, I've been on stage, high school drama performances and stuff, but that's COMPLETELY different. Now, even though its a small crowd of adults and teenagers, it's still a large adjustment. I don't know if I can do this...

        I have about four hours to get ready, and the nerves have not settled down. Maybe going out will help. I texted Bailey to see if she wanted to go to the park with me. She agreed, and I got dressed


        Is this another date? Should I dress casually? I told myself that I need to try to get him to not like me, cause it was obvious he had feelings for me, which were mutal. I really liked andy, a lot, in fact. But after what Luke did, I could never get back into a relationship. He ruined me forever.

***ANDY'S POV***

        Bailey came down in jeans and a t-shirt. She may look casual, but she still looks amazing. I don't know why I'm taking her to the park with me, I guess I kinda just need someone to talk to.
        We walk to the park, since its relatively close, only about ten minutes away from our houses. The walk there was pretty fun. We kept doing stupid things to make each other laugh, as usual. Is this what a relationship is like? Cause if it is, count me in. I mean yeah sure, I had my share of relationships, but all with either the cheerleader who slept with everyone, or a geeky chess-club president. No inbetween. I guess you could say I've had nothing serious. They all used me, in some way. Even the most innocent looking girl.
        We arrive at the park, and find a nice bench to sit on. We talked about life, and stuff like that. After a while, I decided to make my move. I leaned in for a kiss, but she backed away. Did I do something wrong?
        "Hey, you ok?" I asked. She looked horrified.
        "No. I can't do this Andy. I know you have feelings for me, and I like you too, okay. But I can't. I just can't." so basically the only girl that I have wanted to be serious with is rejecting me... okay.
        "you can't do what? You can't let someone in? Cause let me tell you something, Bailey. I'm not just 'someone'. I'm Andy. You know me, and I know you. What's so difficult?" maybe I was being a bit selfish.
        "You just don't get it, andy."        
        "what don't I get? Please inform me."


        "what don't I get? Please inform me." and that's when I told him everything. How Luke was controlling, and verbally abusive, for our whole two year relationship. I went through things no fifteen year old should go through. As I told him, he looked angry. I knew I shouldn't have told him. He's performing tonight, that's stressful enough. But with me giving him my demons, he obviously was being put under the light. This is why I don't tell any one anything.
        Before I knew it, my tears started to flow. God, I hate crying in front of people. I put my hands in front of my face, and after I let a few sobs come out, I felt his arms wrap around me.


        I knew she felt vulnerable, so I did the Andy thing, I comforted her. So this is why she can't get in a relationship with me, cause of one a-hole. Maybe I can change her mind. It'll take some time, but I know I can. I let her cry into my shirt until I heard the sobs stop.
        "I dont mean to look like a p--sy in front of you." she laughs. Of course she's still cracking jokes while she's in tears. Because that's Bailey.
        "no no, it's fine. I always love having tear stained sweaters. I'm gonna start a trend." I made her laugh. She looked better that way, cause I don't like to see her cry.
        We walked back to the house, cause it was almost time to perform. I could feel the nerves creeping up again as I got ready. I decided on wearing black jeans, red shirt, with a black vest. It looked like something a villain would wear, just modernized.
        The guys were setting up as people were coming. More people then I thought. If I can't handle a smallish crowd like this, how the hell can I handle a packed venue? Maybe I'm not cut out for this... God d_mn why cant I just be decisive. My anxiety is at an all time high right now. I never felt like this before going on stage to do a play, or something. I still have a week left for the job... maybe I should take it...

***DAVE'S POV***

        I walked over to Andy, to make sure he was ok. I know how many nerves I had on my first show, but I guess you could say I grew up in that enviroment. But to Andy, this was a whole new world.
        "aye, andy. You good?"
        "uh, um yeah, I guess. I don't know." just what I thought. After ten minutes of convincing, I thought he was okay. Benn called me over, cause he needed help with something. When I went to go back to andy, he was gone.

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