Chapter 8- the performance pt 2

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        I felt like this was my fault, that Andy left. I probably stressed him out, which probably made him run away. I have to find him. Where would he be? Maybe the park...
        I took my mom's car and drove to the park. I looked for about ten minutes and couldn't find him. I called the guys and we made a plan. They would check some of his favorite childhood places, and I would check downtown. I drove to the boardwalk first, the place we had our first 'date'. hard to believe that was only a week ago. No time to think, gotta find Andrew. I walked to the restaurant he took me to, he wasn't there obviously. I don't even know why I looked there. Then I looked into this gift shop he took me to. He bought me a brightly tydyed shirt saying "I love Dallas" it was like five sizes too big, but I kept it just to humor him. The owner said he hadn't seem him. Great.
        As I was losing hope, I get a call. It's from Andy.

***DAVE'S POV***
        Why now, andy? You were doing so good. Something must have happened. He wouldn't just flake on us like that, he isn't that type of person. I searched everywhere, but couldn't find him. This was bad.

        I have no idea why Andy would bail on us. I looked at places we would hang out after school. Nothing. Wait... is that who I think it is?

***ANDY'S POV***
        I had to get away from there. I didn't want to perform anymore. i don't wanna do anything. I was stupid to think I could be in a band. I mean, I've had anxiety all my life, but this was different. I thought it was behind me but i guess not. I decided to go to a place no one would look for me, my old house. The guys and I would hang out here after school. It may have been illegal, but no one was living here anymore, so who cares? One time I even brought a girl here, and we watched a movie on my computer. We almost 'did the deed' that night, but she was drunk and I wasn't gonna take advantage of her like that. I sat down on the beat up couch, and just thought about my life and everything I've ever done.
        I had a friend, well a best friend actually, his name was Johnny. He was the best. We met in first grade, he was an awesome person, always happy. But then one day something happened, and the happy-go-lucky guy I called my best friend got sent away to a mental hospital, and we lost contact. He had voices in his head, his parents told me. I was only in fifth grade, at the time, so I guess they were trying to dumb it down a bit. I knew he'd never be the same. That day, was the day i became sadder, the days grew longer, and the restless nights began. I didn't have the tri-b's, dave, or hayden. I had no one. I stopped talking to my parents, as i felt they would send me away like Johnny's parents did. That's why I was so surprised they supported me. Johnny leaving my life definetly changed me. But that's when I started to perform, instead of being myself, I could be who ever I wanted. I was scared of myself, and I wanted a way out of my head for a little bit.       
        Obviously, broadway has helped me, so why give it up? I have only a few days to respond officially, so why don't i take it? I'm so dumb. But maybe I could use my experiences, and help others going through it. I can't do that at the Theatre, cause the majority are adults. But how the hell was I supposed to help others, when I couldn't get on stage?
        By now, the tears stopped, and I called Bailey. I needed to talk to someone before I did something stupid. I told her where I was, she said she'd come right away. I decided to sit outside on our bench swing. The wood was rotting, but it was still sturdy.
        While I was thinking again, I heard a familiar voice, it was Brandon.

        Thank god he was okay. He said he needed to talk to someone before he did something he'd regret. I knew what he meant. I called the guys, and Brandon said he just found him. Good, someone's with him. I drove to the address he gave me, and got there within 20 minutes. i found him-face red from crying, I assumed- sitting outside, with Brandon.
        "Uh, thanks Brand-o, for staying with me, but I kinda want to talk to Bailey alone." Andy said.
        "Um, yeah sure. I'll call the guys, tell them to just call off the performance." Brandon replied
        "I'll text my mom." I offered. Brandon left, and it was just me and Andy. There was a gap of silence, but it wasn't awkward. After five minutes, he spoke up. He told me about his friend, Johnny. we shared stories back in forth, until he started randomly laughing.
        "remember when I first met you? I thought you were gonna kick me in the balls, to be honest."
        "Well yeah, you don't just touch someone who has their music on fullblast, mr. creeper." I laughed back.
        "what do you think they teach you in kidnapping 101? Duh." He said inbetween laughter.
        "Okay, okay. Now for a serious talk. Did you run away... because of what I told-" He cut me off.
        "not exactly. I was embaressed, which brought up my nerves, I started getting into my thoughts and bam. I ran away. It's not your fault though, there were other reasons. I just... I just really like you Bailey. It's only been a few weeks, i know that. I'm willing to take things slow. But I see the way guys look at you." he looked embarressed again. Maybe I should give him a chance...
        "you don't have to be afraid of losing me, Andy. Cause I'm right here, I just need to pace this, okay?"
        "okay, but how do you want to pace this, then? We could just keep it on the down-low if you want..." I thought about this, I guess we could give it a try...
        "I guess we can give this a go... but you gotta ask me formally, loverboy." I teased. He adjusted to where he was looking right at me.
        "I mean if you insist." he paused. "Bailey Hebbert do you want to be my one and only bae? or nah?"
        "Not like that, a-shole!" I giggled. Giggled? I never do that sh-t.
        "Fiiiiiiiine." He kissed me. "will you be mine, now?"
        "if that's included, hell yeah."
        We drove back to my house, all the people were gone by now.
        "Bailey?" he asked
        "I'm sorry.. for ruining your party."
        "No no, dont apologize. It was lame anyways." we both laughed at that. He kissed me goodnight, and went to his house. Today was a rollercoaster of emotions, but I'm glad that he's mine.


how u like da feel train
broom broom goes da feel train all aboard fan girls only

idk i tried

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