The Akward Morning

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Souls P.O.V


BEEP! BEEP! The alarm clock went off loudly next to my ear.. " Guuuuhhhhhh" i said, rolling over, getting Tangled in my blanket as I attempted to push snooze. Smashing it to the floor, I realized what I just did. I sat up, looking down at the small shattered glass and plastic. The gears and springs plopping out in all directions. I noticed there was little pieces of plastic, clinging to my hand. I shook my hand aimlessly, trying to get the pieces to fall off my hand, to no avail I shook my hand for nothing. The pieces of plastic were stuck to my skin, making me have to pull each piece off individually. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nostrills. Maka

"MMMMMMMM" i said as i druged out of my small, messy room, leaving the shattered alarm clock there, vowing to pick it up later."

Morning sleepy head!" Maka said to me as she turned to face me, beaming. The stove was on and the sizzle of the bacon was louder than anything in the room. I looked at the time. 6 am. She seemed really perky for this early.  I wracked my brain to try and remember if today was something special, failing to pinpoint an event. She seemed almost too perky for it to not be something special.

" Maka, what's up? i mean your like really perky today" i said " plus you're making breakfast, you hardly ever make breakfast so what's up?"

' Man she looks sexy in her night gown' I thought to myself. Looking at her standing there, sure, Maka was flat chested. But there was something there. The long purple silk nightgown clung tightly to her body. Accenting every curve she had, every crevice was exposed. I know I teased her about her body, but in all reality she was incredibly perfect in my eyes. Maka's giggles broke me from my thoughts.

" What?" i asked confused. Maka just loked down at my pajama pants, raising an eyebrow and trying to stifle her laughter.

"Oh nothing, it's nothing." She cleared her throat and turned back to the stove, moving the eggs around in the pan. I looked down, seeing that the front of my blue striped pants had risen higher than it should be. Shit. Morning wood. GREAT!

" Uhhhh" i said, not knowing what to do.

" Looks like your buddy is verry happy" she said with a giggle, refusing to look at me again.  "I guess you could say hes... perky" she smiled, turning to the cabinet to grab plates for us, and turning off the stove. I couldn't help but blush. This morning was going to be akward.


} Hi guys! i hoope you like the story so far... sorry for the short chapter i wrote it a 12:34 am. I had to get a move on with this story :)

}Next update: 8/13/14 Hope you enjoyed.

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