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I stricked number 33 on my clandender in the phone smiling lightly as soon as I reached home. As there is only 32 more days to finish the internship as I already passed a week of five working days of internship in this vacation.

"Atleast today did you do anything?" Imran asked as we slopped in his house couch as this weekend it's their turn. I smiled and nodded a no.

"She is enjoying man! I hope how I should have taken advith's offer to me and not falling in this sweettaker words." Shruti cried throwing a pillow at zayan as she straightened her legs on me. Making zayan only laugh.

"Too bad! Too late now!" Zayan said as he catched the pillow she thrown at his way.

"Seriously? Advith is not giving you any work?" Zayan asked this for the hundredth time this week. I nodded a him frustratedly now as none can stop to accept the reality.

"Man! He is really making me hate myself, you know. She is simply sitting or eating as she wants, while I am running from this meeting to other areas like a hutch dog with gowtham sir. Not getting anything. And at times he and Paul are questioning to give opinions, I feel like my exam viva's are better too. At least it will be in closed room. Not before beauties!" Madan said as he popped popcorn in his mouth and throwing one at me, glaringly.

"Can we still swap Sarah!" Imran asked. I was about to nod. But cut by everyone asking the question and I don't know what to do.

"He is not really that great guys!" I said and they all glared at me.

"Not great?At least Madan is being tagged. You know what Dev did? He left me this meeting to go instead of him and asked me to be his messenger. And I somehow came out alive to see what?" Imran asked and we all snickered a little.

"was he just standing at the back?" Zayan asked and he nodded at him. making us all laugh.

" and guess what he said?" He asked.

"Not bad but bad!" Imran said making us all laugh out loud. "It was not at all looking encouraging with all that blank face as if I am a object!" Imran said making us all laugh. "Man! Can't he ever smile?" He asked zayan sincerely hoping he would say yes.

" not during business. Unless you again his trust!" Zayan said simply and Imran just rolled his eyeball at him.

"At least he speaks with You, Imran! Janarthanan sir just look at Ted and they start working as if they talked. What should I need to learn from that? And it was like I am a third wheel in a couple date." Ranvir said, shivering from embarrassed at his situation, making us all laugh.

"But, I seriously think without Ted it would be really difficult for him. I don't know how he finds time to run business after a day long of signing something or going to meeting. I saw Dev coming and taking few files now and then, but he always says he has to live in his age and send him away too!" Ranvir said as he lay on the bed.

"Yeah! I always see Dev muttering crazy old man never let him take his workloads. I thought he is hungry for workloads!" Imran said.

"No guys! Dev always wants to just help oldman. You guys too try to reduce oldman workload by learning something!" Zayan said and he moved out so he would avoid the questions we are curious about.

We too switched the video and left to lunch and all my friends for change went to check on something they had doubts and even the dinner had them question elders about their opinions. I felt like I am the only one really immature. Later after dinner we all left and as we are leaving Madan said me to get ready earlier tomorrow.

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