That dark place (we don't talk about)

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Hi guys I’m back!

So a friend told me that she is in a dark place (of mind) yesterday and although nobody asked for it I’m going to give my ‘advice’ right here.

Because seriously, I think, we're all familiar with that feeling. Everything just seems to go wrong. We feel empty and misunderstood. Things we used to love can't make us happy anymore.  Suddenly we doubt ourselves and all the things we were so sure of before. Nothing seems to make sense and we don't know how to save ourselves from drowning, whether it be in tears or hopelessness.

So I’m not extremely smart or wise. But I watch movies, I read books and listen to songs and I think some of them have really helpful messages! So here are some that stayed with me. Don't worry I’ll explain later on :)




tar Wars:
Even if you can't see the stars in the daylight you know that they are still there.
Even if you can't see hope right now you have to keep believing in it because it is still there.

No matter how hopeless it seems, we basically constantly hope that it will get better. Our dreams and wishes might be far too far away now but we have to keep thinking that we will once get there. Because we will, it's not worth giving up now.

Every man dies, all you can do is smile.

I interpret in this that even when you face death crying won't save you. So it's better to smile and accept the situation you're in and make the best of it. Only you decide how it affects you. If you make yourself feel more miserable or if you look forward.

Marvel (I know this ain’t a movie):
Humanity is good. It's okay, we all have flaws. We all make mistakes but it's fine, even some alien makes them. Keep believing and never stop fighting for your values and dreams. You might lose the battle but be sure to win the war. Come out of your corner fighting.



elieve in yourself. And for heaven's sake, if you don't feel well tell your friends or family. Also I don't know if you’ve noticed but books hardly mention online friends. It is great to have an online friend but they will never be able to comfort you as much as someone you see every week or at least every year. They can't hug you, they don't know a lot about your life, ngl. They are fine to ask for advice but their options to help are limited.


Adam Lambert:

Better than I know myself

This song helped me in ways I can't really describe. It gave me the assuring feeling of not being alone. I don't know if it will have the same effect on you but I recommend you check out the official MV because it visualizes the interpretation I am talking about.

There I said It

If someone doesn't let you be yourself they don't deserve a place in your heart. Don't fake it and don't put yourself down for someone else. Believe in yourself and stand up for your opinion.


This is so obvious if you're an ARMY.


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