Justin told Chris about the abuse

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All of the sudden there was a knock at the door so Justin answered it and it was Chris.

Justin: Hey

Chris: Hi

Justin: How are you?

Chris: Good and you?

Justin: I'm good. Can I talk to you in private for a few minutes?

Chris: Of course

Justin stepped outside then shut the door behind him then they sat down on the love seat and Justin looked down at his hands and Chris knew something was up.

Chris: What is it Justin?

Justin: Momma has been beating me again.

Chris: Oh god, I thought you looked like you haven't been yourself over the past few weeks.

Justin: I don't know what to do, I can't do anything she's my momma.

Chris: I know Justin.

Justin: I wish I could go home with you.

Chris: I will take you home when I get Britney out of my house.

Justin and Chris went into the living room and sat down with JC on the couch. Chris turned on the tv and an hour later Joey came downstairs then walked over to JC and sat in his lap and gave him a kiss.  Then he went back to watching tv, all of the sudden Joey slid off JC's lap and on to the floor and continued to watch tv when Justin and Chris happened to glance down at JC's pants and they knew he was extremely swollen and it was then they had realized why JC had been in so much pain for almost three months.

Justin: JC, does Joey relieve you any more?

JC: No he hasn't touched me in almost three months straight. It hurts so bad.

Justin: I can't imagine how bad you're hurting.

JC: So bad Justin, it hurts to even pee.

Justin: I'll fix it buddy.

All of the sudden they heard the front door close, so Chris and Justin looked and Joey had left the house. JC laid back against his couch, Justin was about to touch JC when he sat up and went to the bathroom so Justin and Chris decided to follow him.  They got upstairs and JC forgot to close the door all the way so Justin decided to peak in and he couldn't believe what he was seeing so he called Chris over and Chris looked and he couldn't believe JC wouldn't tell anyone he was bleeding where he was, Justin poked his head into the bathroom.

Justin: JC, why didn't you tell anyone about this?

JC: I was afraid Joey would hurt me if I said anything to you guys.

Justin: Are you saying that Joey knows?

JC: yes Justin.

Justin: I'm sorry.

JC pulled up his pants and walked into the living room and sat down with Justin and Chris on the couch.

Justin: We need to get you to a hospital

JC: No I can't be alone in there again.

Justin: I won't leave you alone.

Chris: I won't either, I promise.

They got up and walked with JC to Justin's car and JC got in the back with Chris then Justin drove to the hospital. Ten minutes later they arrived at the hospital and Chris and Justin carried JC in and as soon as his doctor saw them, he went over to them with a stretcher and they put JC down then his doctor rushed him into the ER while another showed Chris and Justin to a private room, they sat down on the couch.

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