Chapter 4

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Lilith awoke in an unfamiliar room. It was purely white, and there was a glass screen on one wall.
    “Matt?” she called out, hoping he was behind the glass. No response. A handsome man dressed in a black suit came to the front of the screen, holding the same pink clipboard the nurse had held so dearly. She banged on the glass, trying to get his attention. He briefly glanced at her with sharp grey eyes, then continued to read what was on the clipboard. A brown-haired scientist came to the man, pointing to the clipboard then pointing to Lilith. She looked just like the nurse from the hospital. She looked guilty when she pointed to Lilith. She pressed her ear against the glass, trying to listen in to their conversation. The female scientist looked as if she was in a hurry, and was very, very worried about something.
    “You never told me they were so young! I thought.. I thought…” the scientist said, her eyes focused on the floor.
    “Madeline, look. This is for the greater good, remember? On to more relevant topics. It appears that the male specimen.." The man paused, looking up at the sky as if he was remembering a fond moment. His wistful gaze turned into a steely, harsh glare. " -has developed some sort of resistance to the drug.” said the man, looking at the clipboard.
    “Y-yes it appears that carbonation in the soda repelled the drug.” the woman said, looking around nervously.
    “Hmmm. Get rid of all the vending machines in the school. Ban soda from the school’s premises. We need this project to work. Meanwhile, I’ll deal with the boy. He may be of use. He has a bright mind.” the man said in his suave voice. “The girl, is also intelligent, but she is weak. She will break if we try to turn her, and not nearly clever enough to escape. We can place her with the rest after we erase her memories.” the man. Lilith churned with anger. Weak? I’ll show you weak. she thought furiously. She stepped back from the glass, then slammed against it, shattering the screen. The female scientist shrieked, and the man looked shocked, staring at Lilith. She was cut all over, and was bleeding, but she had to prove that she was strong. She picked up a piece of glass and walked over to the scared woman.
    “Run.” she whispered, to the woman, and she shrieked, her hands covering her face as she ran away, muttering the same thing over and over. "What have we done?"

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