Chapter 5

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"An unexpected withdrawal symptom." the man said cooly. "Unexpected, but we will deal with it. You are bleeding, little one. Put down the glass and all will be fine. It seems you will be of use after all." Lilith lunged forward, attempting to cut him with her glass blade. He dodged, but barely, and she managed to tear a piece of his skin. His hand started bleeding. He held it, and winced. "Ha! You are a fun one, I'll give you that. No other rebellious subject has ever, not ever been able to harm me. Let us make a deal." '
"How 'bout I slice your arm off instead?" she said, laughing maniacally. She didn't know why, but she just wanted to destroy him! Maybe it was the drugs. Maybe they were making her insane. A few moments ago, she had felt helpless, but calm. Now she felt crazy, but powerful. She quickly moved and cut through his suit, leaving a huge gash in his skin. She kicked him, and he fell over.
"Such a bad person," the man said, smiling.
"What?" she said, stepping on him, holding the piece of glass above his neck.
"Do you think your friend will still want to hang out with you after this? After you threatened that poor scientist?" he chuckled. "Don't be delusional. No one would ever want to see you."
Lilith wavered, shaking. Would Matt really not want to ever see her again? Did she hurt him instead of saving him? The man grinned and pushed Violet off of him, and stabbed her with the glass.
"Yes, you will surely be of use."

"What the," were the first words to come out of Matt's mouth. Where was he, and why was he hanging upside down suspended by some rusty chains? And oh, did he mention, he was in dire need of some caffeine and carbonation. But back to the matter at hand. Where was Lilith? He felt the sizeable bruise on his face and remembered what happened. He looked around. He was in a round room, that smelled of cough syrup and laundry detergent. Almost like, A HOSPITAL! Oh no, he thought. He remembered that the only round room in a hospital was... the operation room. He heard a giggle coming from the just behind him. "My, my, the boss was right, you do catch on quickly.", He swiveled around to see a female scientist, sitting at a table with some very menacing surgery tools."But that won't help you now," she said teasingly. She left the room with a quick, "I'll be back soon~", leaving Matt alone. He looked up at the hinge holding the chain. It appeared to be latched on by a single hex-nut. He laughed to himself. Clearly, he was underestimated. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his house keys. He looked at the chains. They were made out of a solid material, they felt dense and extremely heavy. He used their physical properties against them and scratched his keys against them until the key was flat and sharp. He clambered up the chain until he reached the hinge and loosened it until the chain fell off its hinges with a crash. Not my most graceful landing, he thought to himself. As he walked out of the room, he heard the last sound he wanted to here. The quick CLICK, CLICK, CLICK of the shoes of the scientist who was tormenting him just minutes before. He ran out of the dismal hospital and scanned the street for somewhere to hide. He jumped into a nearby manhole and wondered if he would ever see Lilith again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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