[ THIRTEEN ] how to be a textbook supervillain

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Lucid stood just beyond the reach of the streetlight, the blue glow of her suit stark against the dark alley behind her.

"Before we start," came the villain's distorted voice, "does anyone else want to be excused?"

Sebastian thought about raising his hand, but his training instincts already had his fingers wrapped around the Taser in his vest. Veritas swooped down beside him, palms up defensively.

"Whoa, whoa," he said. "Relax, guys. What's up?"

She didn't bother to answer, raising one hand and sending a stream of electricity straight at the superhero's chest. Completely caught off guard, Veritas went flying backward, crashing through the wall of a building across the parking lot. A security alarm started in the distance.

Lucid turned to Sebastian, who was still staring open-mouthed after the super.

"Sure you don't—"

"Yes." The ferocity in his own voice surprised Sebastian, but he already had his weapon out, pointed steadily at the dark-suited figure.

"Ooh." She raised her hands, laughing. "Better shoot quick, before the other guy comes back and steals your credit."

"I'm not here for credit," Sebastian said evenly. "We're interested in justice."

"And truth," came Veritas's voice. He was floating just above the villain's head, apparently unfazed by the attack – unless you count the way his usually slicked-back hair was floating around his head. "Don't shoot yet, I want to talk."

Lucid clapped her hands over her head, sending another flash of energy at the super. This one shot him over the roof of the video store half a block down, and Sebastian flinched slightly.

The villain hadn't even turned her head, taking a step closer. "You know you want to be the one to bring me in, Mr. Esposito."

"Sergeant," he corrected, fingers slipping over the trigger. His palms were sweating. He didn't like the way Veritas was handling the situation.

It gave Sebastian too much temptation.

"Is it justice you're looking for, Sergeant?" Lucid's face was still hidden by a mask, but he could feel the villain's gaze burning into him. Concrete dust floated down on them, the streetlight flickering.

Veritas was back, grinning. He opened his mouth, but Lucid waved a hand.

"Yeah, and truth. Heard you the first time." Despite the helmet's distortion, the annoyance was clear in the villain's voice. "Are you so sure? The truth isn't always nice."

Sebastian clenched his teeth, waggling the Taser up and down. "Veritas, any time now?"

"No, no—" and the super was blasted out of the sky again.

Lucid shook out her fingers, sparks running up and down her arms.

"The truth is," she started, "Justice isn't good enough for you, Seb."

"It is." But his voice cracked, and he found himself wondering how she knew his name when a moment ago she hadn't seemed to know he was a police officer despite the uniform he was clearly wearing.

Lucid raised her hands as though surrendering, and he suddenly realized she was less than a foot from the end of his weapon. Her voice was an electronic whisper. "You want revenge. And the truth is—"

"Shut up." Sebastian was too loud. His gun hand twitched.

Lucid was fast. She wrapped one gloved hand around the end of the Taser and leaned in. "Truth? Malory's dead. It's her own fault for getting in the way. Where were you when it mattered, Seb? And more important—where were your precious supers?"

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