First day of Summer

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Eren walked her bike along the street, one hand in her pocket and a grin on her face. It was the first day of summer, which meant she had the next six weeks to spend with her best friend Armi. No school or studying to get in the way, just the two of them doing whatever they pleased. 

She took a left and headed down the street to the small house where Armi lived with her Grandfather. She grinned wider seeing Armi sitting on the front porch already waiting with her bike leaning against the house. Armi jumped up and ran over, throwing her arms around Eren's neck in a quick hug. "Your late." She chuckled "You said you would be here by nine." Eren smiled "Sorry, about that. Overslept." she shrugged "You ready to go?" Armi nodded, grabbed her bag and her bike "So where're we headed?" Eren shrugged again "Thought we could go into town, see if there's anything to do there." Armi thought for a moment "Sounda good, We could get ice cream or something." 

The bike to town was quick, the pair made their way to the small cart that sold ice cream in the centre of town and then sat down in the shade of a nearby tree. Thanks to Eren oversleeping it was near noon and the summer sun was beginning to beat down. 

"So how was your night?" Armin asked looking over at her friend. "Not bad, watched netflix with Mikasa and went to bed. Nothing special." Eren licked her ice cream to prevent it running down her hand "How about you?" Armi shrugged "Watched TV with grandpa, went to bed early because my best friend told me to be up early so we could go out somewhere." She said giving Eren a pointed look. Eren scratched the back of her neck and gave an apologetic smile "Yeah, Mikasa ad I started a new series last night and got really into it. Probably should of kept a closer eye on the time, sorry." Armi chuckled "It's ok, I think I needed the rest anyway." 

The two finished their ice creams and sat for a moment, just enjoying the day and the sun. "Hey Armi," Eren broke the comfortable silence "Mmm?" She looked over "Your looking kinda pink, we should probably get out of the sun." Armi sighed "Yeah, probably. I should really get some sun screen." she chuckled and the pair got up to go find some shade.

They ended up heading back to the edge of town, which wasn't far. Shinganshia, the town they lived in, was not very large. It was surrounded by a forest that spanned a few miles, as kids Eren and Armi had spent hours upon hours playing in it. To the point they knew their way round all the tracks and even had a few special places they still like to go and hang out. Today they were headed to a tall tree with coverage so thick there was always shade under it, no matter what position the sun was in. 

They stood their bikes at the base and quickly climbed  up and settled on a particularly wide branch in amongst the leaves. The pair sat happily looking around at the familiar surroundings  "Oh my god, I forgot. Look what my grandfather gave me!" Armi said quickly unzipping her bag and pulling something out. She held an old fashioned camera, massive grin plastered on her face. Eren's eye's wide  "Whoah, does it work?" Armi put the viewfinder to her eye "Yup!" The flash went off and Eren nearly lose her seating "Shit Armi! Give a girl some warning!" she said gripping the branch with one hand and rubbing her eyes with the other. "Sorry!" Armin giggled "Are you ok?" she asked grabbing the picture that printed from the top and watched as a very shocked looking Eren surrounded by leaves began to develop. 

Eren leaned over to look at the photo "Oh god, It's terrible! I look like a deer in headlight's" She exclaimed with a chuckle as Armi giggled "No, its adorable! You look adorable!" Eren scrunched up her nose "Whatever, lets take one that doesn't look like someone just jumped out at me." Armi nodded and held the camera to her eye again "3, 2, 1 " The camera flashed.  Armi handed the developing photo to Eren for her approval. It was a rather nice one, She had a natural looking smile, her hair framed her face nicely and her green shirt looked great against the brown of the tree trunk. 

She gave a nod "So how much film do you have for that thing?" she asked handing it back to Armi who quickly scribbled something on the back of it and tucked it away in her bag. "My grandfather kinda stock piled film for it over the years, so there's a lot." she said shuffling and holding the camera out so she could get them both in the frame. "Say cheese!" Eren leaned forward so her chin rested on her friend's shoulder just before the flash went off. Armi grinned swinging her legs a little as the she watched the picture appear before flipping it over and scribbling something on the back, just as she had with the last one. "I'm gonna put an album together." She grinned "Over the summer, we've gotta take lots of pictures of the stuff we do and I'll put them all together." Eren smiled wide and rested against her friends shoulder "Thats a cool idea." Armi nodded happily. 

They spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around in that tree. Armi told Eren all about the book she'd read recently. Eren relaxed, enjoying listening to her friend's voice telling her all about the great adventures she'd read. They didn't leave until just after sunset when they realised their family's would be getting worried. Eren biked Armi to her house first, despite that fact she'd probably get in trouble for being late. She just wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friend, both girls went to bed that night looking forward to whatever the next day held.

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