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Eren left her house incredibly early the next morning and practically ran to Armi's house. Knocking three times on the door, she was met by Armi's half asleep grandfather squinting at her. "Hello Eren, it's a bit early for you to be here isn't it?" Eren nodded "Sorry for waking you, it's just I have something planned for today and we have to catch the bus." she said bouncing on the balls of her feet. Armi's grandpa just yawned and stepped aside letting her in "She's still in bed."

Eren quickly made her way down the short hallway to Armi's room, happily looking at all the photos of Armi throughout the years hung along it. She knocked gently before gently pushing the door open and tip toeing in. Armi was bundled up in a cocoon of blankets, only her face was showing. Eren considered finding Armi's camera and snapping a quick pic of the adorable sight but thought better of it, one it would be kinda creepy and two the flash would likely wake Armi. Eren crept over and gently shook her friends shoulder "Armi~" Armi scrunched up her nose, blinking her eye's open and lazily squinting up at Eren. "Eren?" Eren nodded  "We gotta go catch a bus." Eren said as Armi raised an eyebrow "This early? Where are we going?" she asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "The rock pools." Eren smirked 

Armi's eye went wide "Wait, really?" Eren nodded "Bus leaves in . . . " she checked her watch "Twenty minutes" Armi leapt from her bed, tripping slightly on the covers still partially wrapped around her as she raced over to her dresser. "You should have told me sooner!" She said pulling out an old t-shirt and a pair of overalls. Eren just grinned as Armi quickly raced around the room getting her things together. "Right, ready to go." She said pulling her backpack on and hanging the camera around her neck. Eren nodded "I packed us food so don't worry about breakfast, we can just go to the bus station." she smiled 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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