Parte sin título 2

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The next day Eren and Armi decided to head to the river. Upon arriving Eren dropped her bike, stripped to her underwear and dived in. Armi however stayed standing on the bank, she looked out at the water and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. When Eren resurfaced and saw Armi hadn't joined her, she turned to the bank and gave her a confused look. "You coming in?"

Armi didn't respond, instead she just looked down at herself and shifted uncomfortably. Eren frowned and swam back to the shore "You ok?" Armin shrugged "I just . . . I've put on a bit of weight this year, I don't know if I really wanna take my clothes off." Eren's eye's went wide. Armi was probably the most beautiful girl she knew, sure she wasn't exactly thin but that didn't mean shit. "You're beautiful Armi," She said with conviction, looking up at her friend from the water. Armi chewed her lip, "I can sit up here on the bank, you go swim." Eren climbed out of the water and walked over to her, "Armi, you are literally the prettiest person I know. You're weight is fine,it actually adds to how you look!" She took her hand "Besides, it's only me here. "

Though she still wasn't entirely comfortable, Armi began to pull her clothes off till she was only in her underwear. She looked over at Eren and instantly felt very exposed, her friend was staring straight at her. Eren on the other hand was feeling incredibly blessed, Armi had put on some weight but it suited her. Eren found herself staring at every perfect curve, the slight rolls on her side and loved how her tummy stuck out more than it used to. She looked positively stunning, Eren thought. She grinned "See! You're freaking gorgeous!" Armi turned slightly pink "I'm chubby." Eren shrugged "You look great though." Eren said before running forward, scooping her friend up in her arms and jumping in the water with a startled yelp from Armi.

Armi started to forget about her self consciousness as the pair messed around in the water. "Hey Armi, bet I could do a flip off that ledge." Eren grinned pointing to a large boulder that sat on the edge of the water. Armi looked up at it before back to her friend "Please don't" But Eren was already swimming over. Armi followed her and watched as she climbed up. "You're gonna get hurt!" She called "Mikasa will kick both our asses!" Eren didn't seem to hear, She took a running start and leapt from the boulder. She did a perfect flip and hit the water with a massive splash, Armi quickly swam over as she resurfaced. "That was awesome!" Eren exclaimed with a fist pump and a goofy grin. Armi couldn't help but smile at her friend "You're a freaking dork."

"Wait, go get the camera! I'm gonna do it again, you take a picture!" Eren said rushing off back towards the boulder. Armi chuckled feeling a rush of affection towards her friend as she swam back to shore and raced over to get the camera from her bag. She pointed it at the boulder and gave Eren a thumbs up. She ran forward and leapt off the edge, unfortunately as she pushed off the edge she slipped and Armi snapped a picture as Eren spun out of control and flailed towards the water.

She hit the water with a painful sounding slap. Armi gasped, dropping the camera back in her bag and rushed back to the water and swam over to where her friend had hit. Eren resurfaced wincing. "Oh my god, are you ok?" Eren gave a nod and as soon as she kne she was ok, Armi burst out laughing. Eren glared at her friend as she struggled to keep herself above the surface, laughing way too hard. "Shut up, douche." Eren said playfully shoving her friend. Armi took a deep breath as she tried to stop laughing "You looked so fucking funny." she said between breathes.

As the afternoon went on the girls ended up grabbing their things and climbing up to sit on top of the boulder. Despite her earlier discomfort, Armi hadn't put any of her clothes back on. Instead she had just reapplied some sunblock and sat back in the late afternoon sun. Eren laid down next to her as she told her about the Netflix series she and Mikasa had finished the night before and how anticlimactic and annoyingly rushed the ending was. Armi chuckled as she looked at the picture she'd managed to snap of Eren flailing towards the water earlier. She quickly tucked it away before her friend could see and pulled the camera out again. Eren sat up and pulled a face as Armi snapped a photo before taking the camera and snapping one of Armi as she chuckled. Eren stopped as her friends laughter rang out and looked at her, she was suddenly mesmerised. Armi's laughter sounded like literal sunshine, she couldn't even really describe it. She realised she was staring when Armi gave her a look "What?" she asked feeling the self consciousness beginning to creep back up.

Without really thinking Eren responded "You've got a really nice laugh." Armi went red "Shut up, doofus." She said playfully punching her shoulder. "Oh yeah," Armi said looking through her bag "Look what I found last night!" she said excitedly pulling and old, dogeared book from her bag. "Holy shit!" Eren exclaimed. As children the pair had loved that book, it had pictures and information from all around the world. They used to play, pretending to be explorers travelling to all the places they read about together. They had even promised each other they would go see it all together for real one day.

Armi nodded and opened the book to a page that had been the pairs favorite growing up, it had tears haphazardly taped back together, a few smudge's of something unidentifiable and worn edges but the print was readable and the large image of the ocean on the right was completely intact. "You should read it to me!" Eren grinned "Like you used to when we were little!" Armi gave a chuckle "Yeah, ok. Sounds nice." Eren nodded happily and laid down so her head was in Armi's lap. Another thing they used to do a lot when they were kids, and looked up at her friend as she began reading aloud.

"The ocean is a massive body of water covering seventy percent of the earths surface." Armi's voice relaxed Eren as she rested in her lap, it sounded beautiful as she read the familiar words aloud. Eren found herself thinking about Armi, about how she was really her closest friend. They'd meet at preschool and had been inseparable since. Armi was the only person who she truly trusted, she was the one who really understood her. She felt completely comfortable around the blonde. "She's like home." Eren thought as she watched Armi's eyes run along each line. Her eyes were the most beautiful things Eren had never seen, a deep ocean blue, she still remembers the first time she really saw them.

They were around eight when Armi had come to her house with the book for the first time. It had been a gift from her grandfather and she was positively beaming when she had ran to Eren's house to show her. She'd come in and opened it to the exact page she was now reading, Eren had looked over at her as she explained something she couldn't remember and had been instantly memorised. They were fulled with excitement and something unidentifiable and just so blue. Eren had loved them ever since, always loving whenever she saw them light up.

She continued to gaze up at her friend as she read, watching her eye's shine as she spoke each word completely losing herself in the nostalgia. Suddenly Eren got an idea and reached for the camera, before Armi even noticed, she was startled by the flash. "Sorry! You looked really pretty!" Eren said as her friend raised an eyebrow at her and grabbed the photo from the top of the camera. "Oh god, I look half asleep!" Armi exclaimed as Eren sat up and snatched the photo back, "No! You look Beautiful!" she said looking at the photo. "You always look beautiful though." she muttered. Armi looked over at her and both girls were suddenly very aware of how close they were sitting. Legs pressed against each other, shoulders leaning slightly on each others, it wasn't something either of them really though much of before, Being best friends, physical closeness was a given but the closeness seemed to be all either of them could think about at that moment.

Eren looked into Armi's eyes, completely lost in them. Armi leaned toward her a little before Eren closed the gap and gentley kissed her. It was quick and sweet. Armi smiled at her as she pulled away and Eren smiled back. She wasn't sure entirely what they were doing but it felt right. She couldn't believe she had just kissed her best friend, she had kissed her best friend and really loved it. Armi leaned forward and kissed her again, this time neither of them pulled away for a long time.

When they finally did however, neither of them moved away. They stayed close together, arms around each other as the sky turned orange and then purple as the sun set.

Eren Walked Armi home again that night, neither of them said much on the way but they walked incredibly close, their hands occasionally brushing against each others. When they arrived in front of the Arlert residence, Eren broke the silence. "So um, I think I like you." Armi chuckled at her "Yeah, I got that. I think I like you too." she said "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" She leaned over and kissed Eren's cheek before heading inside. Eren watched her go. Then, with a massive ear to ear smile, headed home. She honestly couldn't believe she hadn't realised it before. Of course she liked Armi, after everything they'd been through and knowing her like she did, how could she not fall for her?

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