My Best Friend Just Told Me He Was A Vampire; Do I Trust Him? Chapter 4

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* Recap - Darina snogged Zane when he was suppost to be going to Skye's *

Skye's P.O.V:

I woke up with feeling cold and sick. My eyes were stinging from where I cried myself to sleep. I got out of bed and walked to my en suite bathroom to have a warm shower. I turned the shower on and I remembered last night... I remembered how Zane had said he was going to come to mine and how he didn't turn up. I remembered how he promised to be there in my time of need and he wasn't. I heard my phone go off and went into my room to pick it up. It was a message from Zane:


Hey, Skye! I'm sorry I didn't show up! I got caught up in some business and had to sort it out so I didn't make it. I'm really sorry... Can you forgive me?

Zane x


I shed a tear as I read the text over a second time. Yes, I was annoyed at him but he was also my best friend and if he needed to sort some business out then that's okay! I wiped my eyes and got into my shower, resting my phone on the cabinet above the sink. It made noises a couple of times but I think it was only to tell me my battery was dying. I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower, wraping, my towel around my body and walked into my room. I opened my wardrobe to find some cothes to wear today. I was going to go shopping with Serena today... Have a girls day to take my mind off being ill. It might also take my mind off Zane for a bit! I grabbed a pink skirt with a black belt attached and a tight, white t-shirt. I wore black kitten heels with it and stuck on a leather black coat. I grabbed my black clutch bag and put on some mascara, frosty blue eyeliner and pink lipgloss. I grabbed my solitaire ring and a silver necklace and got dressed. I grabbed my purse and left the house to go meet Serena. It took me 30 minutes to get to Serena's but I didn't mind the long walk. It was calming... Almost relaxing. I could think; clear my head. When I got to Serena's she ran out and hugged me.

" Skye! Are you okay? When you told me 'bout your illness I freaked out!" She yelled, hurting my ears a bit. I hugged her back and assured her I was fine. We walked to her mum's car (luckily her mum was a safer driver than mine) and got in, waiting for her mum to come out of the door.

" Skye, honey, how are you feeling? Your mother called last night to tell me about your illness. I sure hope you will be okay!" Serena's mother, Jennifer, said to me, smiling.

" I'm getting better, thank you. My temperature's calming down and my head doesn't hurt as much." I replied, smiling back at her. She put her seatbelt on and drove the car to the nearest shopping centre. After 30 minutes she dropped us off and drove away.

" Is your mum going back home? Or is she shopping around somewhere else?" I asked Serena as we walked up to the big shopping centre. It had everything from New Look to Jane Norman and Tk Maxx. It was also my favorite shopping centre to go to.

" She's going back home!" Serena replied, smiling. We headed for the nearest shop - Superdrug - and decided to go in. It wasn't a cold day but I refused to take my leather jacket off.. It was so comfortable and looked great with the heels! We walked right upp to the 'Barry M' and 'No7' section. I picked up a 'No7' foundation while Serena picked up a 'Barry M' eyeliner. We both walked up to the counter and payed for our stuff. Right, that's one thing off the list of shopping I made myself last night. Next was... A small, tight, black dress. We walked into New Look and I heard Dido - White Flag playing and couldn't help but sing along to the few words i knew of the song:

" But I will go down with this ship,

And I wont put my hands up and surrender,

There will be no white flag above my door,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2010 ⏰

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