Halloween and Shit

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In honour of Halloween, let's write some spooky shit. This is my oc Mady's little mini story. Enjoy!

I'm on my way home from work, the cold surrounding me as a soft breeze pushes my hair in front of my eyes, clouding my vision. The breeze stops, and I swear I saw a figure dash out of my field of vision. 'Must be my imagination'.

I continue to walk home, through crowded streets and empty alleys, the lingering feeling of being watched following me the whole time. I stop and look around, my paranoia taking over me, and see nothing, deciding it's safe and take them the alley until it's a straight shoot home. I turn, entering the overly familiar tunnel, but a feeling of dread washes over me. I go to turn around, but a pair of strong hands grab me, covering my mouth as he pulls me further into the darkened alleyway.

He takes a sharp left, pulling me into the back end of town, a place everyone has heard of. A ghost town. No one lives here. No one travels here. No one listens here. No one listens to the sound of muffled screams, mine being no exception. He pulls me back, and my breathing becomes heavier and heavier, more laboured with every step he takes. He reaches an area he find suitable, an area I've never seen, and I think no one else has seen either. Rats scatter across the ground, picking and dead flesh, so eaten up I can't even tell what animal it was, let alone species. He lets go of my mouth, my coughs and panting fills the alleyway as he turns to stand in front of me. That's when I see it. I see him.

I've ran into this man before, a smart and dapper man. He was requested to be in one of my shoots, but I politely declined after see his record.

Harassment. Touching. Groping. Sexual Jokes. Know to strip, even when not requested. Excess cursing. Violence. Anger issues. Known for screaming. He even had a criminal record. He was put away for stalking someone. 3 months.

My thoughts are interrupted by his loud cough, causing me to look up at him, my eyes already becoming glassy, afraid for what this man could do.

"Why did you decline." He says, not asking me to answer, but forcing me to. I stare up, confused, wondering why he cared. He bends down to my height, grabbing my face, pulling me close enough to feel his hot breath against my eyes, making them burn and sting.

I stop, frightened by his wide eyes and sinister growl being released from his, chapped, dry lips. He looks as though he hasn't slept since I said no, causing me to understand why he's here. I look up and whisper, "I don't know. You just seemed to perfect to be in a picture with a low life like me. I didn't want to tarnish your reputation." I lie, hoping his narcissism takes over, allowing me to go free.

"Oh, that's so kind of you, but don't lie next time. Give me the real answer, and I'll know when you lie so don't even try it." The man says, starting calmly, giving me hope he fell for it, but his tone dropping the second he continued his speech.

I become frightened, no, terrified. All he's doing is standing above me in an intimidating stance, watching as I shake and quiver, fearing what's to come. He pulls something out of his pocket, it shining in the flashing alley lights. A knife. Before I can thing of anything else, any way to protect myself, he lunges forward, plunging the blade deep into my breast I stare down in shock, the pain of what has just happened not filling hitting me. He slowly walks away, leaving me sitting on the cold floor as I start to see my blood pooling around me, collecting on my right thigh.

Then I feel it, the pain. The pain is unbearable, and the gravity of what's going on hits me. I gasp for breath, squirming and wiggling around, trying to grasp my phone as a last ditch effort to make this my resting place. I find it, grabbing it and dialling an o so familiar number.


So, should I make a part two of this? It's mostly up to you guys, I don't really mind. And sorry this one is kinda short, if there is a part two it'll be longer. Hope ya enjoy!

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