Just a weird thing.

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If you want a part to, say so, and I'll be down man. Short little thing for shits and giggles. Enjoy.

He's standing there, watching me in the way he always does. It's calm, soothing, almost. His eyes don't feel as though they're boring holes into me, but as though they are warming me from the inside out, enveloping me a soft feeling of love and affection. It's our routine, we get off of work, and occasionally he spends the night. When he doesn't, we go our separate ways with a slight nod as the blush starts to slowly creep up to our cheeks, turning around fast enough to hope the other doesn't see, but knowing that both parties have a mutual understanding of what's going on.

Tonight's no different. We're standing at the crosswalk where we head our separate ways, the faint heat already crawling up both our cheeks, but barely noticeable in the dim lighting of the night sky and flickering street lamps. We look each other in the eyes, but for some reason we don't let the ever growing blush separate our eyes from each other. We continue to stare, not a word being said, but the unsaid words from us being enough to understand. I slowly walk closer, seeing his blush more prominent and bright the closer I get. He's close to me, and I faintly mumble, "would you just prefer to spend the night", as I slowly look up to see his answer. My question may have been faint, but he could hear it loud and clear. He swiftly nods his head yes, and we head in the direction of my place.

On the second to last corner to my house, I receive a call from D's and my friend. I quickly answer, leaning into D so we can both hear what Lucifer has to say. The call is slightly fuzzy, mainly from my lack of service, but I can make out the words 'Lapis' and 'Place to stay', understanding that Lapis probably begged him to let her come over but wanted it to seem like she didn't want to. I nod, but quickly remember I'm on the phone, saying a quick little yes before hanging up the phone. I look up to D, and he just grins and nods, understanding what just happened. We finish the walk to my house in a silent peace, taking our time and stealing small glances, hoping the receiver won't notice. I open the door, and am greeted by none other than Lapis, already lying on my couch, watching a movie, acting like it's her own place.

"Took you long enough. Thought the takeout would go cold. Our food's on the table, I'll be there in a jiffy." She said in short, choppy sentences. Me and D look at each other with amusement at the girl's attitude, and slowly walk over to the kitchen. We walk in to see some basic takeout on the table, already taken out of the containers and placed on the plates in a clean and orderly way, just showing how much time she must've had, or how much she cared. Me and D sit down, looking down at the meticulously placed food in slight astonishment. Just as we look up to say something about the formation of our meal, Lapis comes storming in, plopping herself down next to me and digging in. Me and D just look at each other and let out a soft giggle as we nod, beginning to dig into our meals as well.

Dinner went by cleanly. We had basic small talk, soft giggles and blushes from all parties apparent with some of the phrases and looks we sent each other's way. We cleaned up in a small silence, only the sound of the running water and are breaths, mixed with the occasional shuffling of feet being heard. Lapis lightly taps my shoulder, seeing that I was dazing out, and pointed out that all the dishes were clean. I look down, seeing all the dishes clean, and D already sitting on the couch, slightly chuckling at my shocked face. He waves for me and Lapis to come sit on the couch, both of us following each other into the room, plopping down next to each other as we watch the movie on the TV. Although the movie seems entertaining, all of us can't seem to focus on it. I notice this, and point out the time, telling them that maybe we should call it a night, as the look at each other and just nods their heads. They walk up to the room in a practiced motion, this not being the first time they've stayed, as I walk down the hall to my room as we all mutter soft good nights to each other. I lie down on my bed, and fall into a soft slumber, completely oblivious to the conversation going on in the other room, just a few doors down.

I awoke, shuffling in my bed as I hear the sounds of people coming from downstairs. 'They must be awake' I thought to myself as I pulled myself out of my bed, not bothering to change out of my bedtime clothing before presenting myself before people. 'If they can't handle seeing me like this, then they definitely can't handle seeing me at my job' I rationed our as I walked down the stairs in a loose shirt and panties. By the time I was at the bottom of the stairs, my presence was already known by the other two people in the building, my outfit stopping them in their tracks. I yawned, rubbing my head, only messing my hair up further. I walked over to them, not bothered by the awkward silence my presence brought, along with the bright blushes and embarrassed faces that also came with it.

"Whatcha doin?" I mumbled, plopping myself on the bar in front of the stove as eggs and bacon sat there, now on the verge of burning. My question brought them out of their hazy state, pulling them back to reality as they look down at the toasty food, frantically taking it off the heat to prevent it from becoming anything further than 'lightly golden'.

"Makin' breakfast, want some?" D said as Lapis was already setting up the table for three behind me. I smiled and lightly nodded my head before turning away, noticing the atmosphere around those two seemed slightly different from last night. 'Odd.'

I sat down as D place our portions on our plates, putting the empty pans in the sink before plopping himself in the seat next to me. "So, anything exciting happen recently?" I blurted out, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Lapis said, looking at D and grinning before turning to me with a wink. Confused by her action, I just decided to push it off for now, trying to not let the gnawing questions burst out my mouth. I turn to D to try and find his answer, but just see a very bright red D in his place instead, the blush growing all the way down his arms. Even more confused, I finally asked the question,

"What the hell did you two do last night?" I asked, my voice laced with confusion as I looked between the two with pointed looks.

They lit up like fireworks, blush spreading on both him and Lapis as the words spilled out my mouth. They look to each other, then to me, before looking back to each other as they nodded their heads.

"We just had a normal conv-" "We both like you Mady." D started to speak, but was interrupted by a very blunt Lapis, sending the blush right back to Mady as the words were finally processed in her head.

"Wait- WHAT?!" I almost scream out, sitting up so fast that my chair fell out from under me, falling to the floor with quite a loud thud.

They look between each other, apparently expecting this reaction, which they damn well should have. "You don't have to say anything yet, we can wa-" D started before I abruptly speak.

"I never said no, I'm just what we like to call: incredibly confused." I said, earning a reaction from both of them. They probably weren't expecting that. I look up at them, waiting for one to speak until Lapis finally understands and speaks up.

"Well last night, he came to me and asked for a way to ask you out, and then it went down a trail of me saying I liked you as well, and so on and so forth until we landed in the thought; just tell her. He was gonna pansy our so I said it, and now here we are." Lapis said with conviction, looking me in the eyes as my face began to heat up all over again. "Now my turn to ask a question; is that a yes?" Lapis said looking me even more intensely, a small smirk forming on her face as she saw me blush even further at her actions.

"I uh- I guess?" I more so asked than anything else, just confused by this whole situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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