(Part 3)( Metting every one in the dorm)

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It was morning and jimin woke up before namjoon did he looked at the time on his phone it said 09:12. He stuffed his face in to the pillow saying "way did I wake up too early I always wake up early how does hyung sleep so well" he looked at namjoon who was still sleeping.

Then jimin got out of bed and put a par of black trousers on and T-shirt that said love your self tear in red on the back and put on socks that were bule. Jimin lay on the bed waiting for namjoon to get up as he did he started singing to him self sweetly waiting for namjoon to wake up. Jimin was singing "LIE" and "I'M  FINE" in a nice voice.

Then jimin liked in the corner of his eye and saw namjoon looking at him. "How long have you been up hyung you were so quiet". "I have been up for a couple minutes now but I like your singing it has alot of emotion in it". Thanks hyung them blushes a bit namjoon has not noticed. Then namjoon got out of bed and put on his blue Levi's trousers and a black top and red socks. "Hey jimin let's have circle time and get to know the other 5 guys in this dorm and get a bit friendly with them and get to know adout their life".

So they got out of their room and shouting "every one meeting in the living room ASAP"! namjoon shouted and they all came out of there rooms confused of what the meeting was adout. Every one sit down on the floor.

They all sat down and namjoon said" I want to get to know you guys a bit better so we can be friends now let's start with you".  he said pointing at the man tell us all some thing adout you and your name and we will be doing this all after you say your name and something that you like we can move on to the next person them. He opens his moth and..........

To be continued...  what do you think happened to the boy next sorry for cliff hanger.

BTS minjoon Love ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora