My name is Saitama

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My name is Saitama. Just Saitama. I found myself living in the mountains by myself at the age of 14.

I am the last of my people.

My village was old. We took pride in that. We still did the ways of the old and did not believe in the others way of healing other than soul healing.

Did I forget to mention that?
My village was a healing village. A village were we always found ways to better heal and help the body with out having to insert chemicals in ourself other than medical herbs. Where we can keep absolute control of out bodies by willing it be and keeping out souls as pure and healthy as can be.

Of course, the soul information was village knowledge only so nobody outside out village knew.
We were peaceful people living out lives. It was great until it wasn't.

We were good at what we did.

Too good.

So good that people from other lands hear of us.

We were taken off guard.

We never believe in the art of weapons or war. Arguments and fight, yes. But not wars. We were pacifists. We pushed back death, not bring it forward.

Unfortunately, in the words of out village Wise woman, "Run, fate has decided to abandon us. So in fate, we will defy."

It was clear.

We were on our own.

We all ran. I remember mother. Beautiful mother. Frantically packing the absolute necessary in a leather bag. We were found. It was only a matter of time before they start trying to take us.

I heard many screams. Many were caught but the rest and bast majority manage to escape. I manage to escape because mother ordered me to hide in the mountains. I was successful.

Mother, unfortunately, was caught.

In the raging flames, my people  manage to disappear from the world.

Those that were caught knew that if they kill themselves in the island this beasts would continue to seek more. So they waited.

Until they got to the land of the monsters that took them. They abide by them and healed those that got hurt in the fire and those that just wanted to be healed, which was all of them. They would cut their hands and order us to let them see us heal them.

My people healed them, But when they healed them, they inserted some of their essences in these men. It was necessary to heal, they just didn't take it out and left it there.

The village people planned on taking revenge. And revenge, they got.

They were present in front of such Queen Elizabeth. The blood queen. A queen so obsessed with being young and beautiful forever that she started to kill off the beautiful people in her once beloved kingdom in order to bath in their blood for her believes.p

This queen was a fool. So blinded by our people's way that she did not suspect a thing.
She ordered one of us to follow her.

The woman that follow her was beautiful. That woman was my mother.

You see, the queen thought that if she was healed by this woman she might be able to attain my mother's beauty.

When she discover that she did not, She wanted mother to be killed in order to bath in her blood.

Mother knew her time was coming, but not by the queen, but by their own will. They sat in there cage and willed their essences to stop the heart.
The essence obeyed for it knew why.
For my caged village people, their hearts only stop and died peacefully. For the soldiers, they were killed ruthlessly, for the suffering they had cause. The blood Queen was not the worse death but it was her worst fear.

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