Chapter 3

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**Luke’s POV**

We were hanging out in the back of the tour bus as the bus drove down the highway to our next gig; Ash and I watched Calum and Michael playing FIFA, since we only had two controllers, so I started texting Katharine. It’s been two weeks since I meet her, and we’ve been talking nonstop and apparently it was obvious that I really liked her, since the boys did nothing but tease me about it any chance they got.

“Luke. Luke. Luke. Luke.” Calum repeated over and over again as he poked my face with each Luke he said with Mike and Ash uncontrollably laughing at this, as they paused in the middle of their game.

“What?” I snapped at him clearly annoyed with the repetitiveness.

“Who you texting?” Ash asked with a giggle.

“No one” I obviously lied.

“That’s complete bull and you know it!” Mike whined. “We know your texting Katharine!”

“So what if I am?” I questioned.

“Mate you like her!” Ash shouted.

“What if I do?” I questioned again.

“No need to get defensive.” Mike reassured me.

“Yeah there’s nothing wrong with liking her, she’s really nice.” Cal added.

“She’s amazing.” I confessed to them.

“Well then tell us about her.” Ash asked.

“Well. . .” I began. “She’s an only child.”

“Yes, I’m not the only one who’s an only child anymore!” Mike shouted with excitement throwing his arms up in the air, “Someone who understands!” he said with accomplishment in his voice and we laughed at him. “Ok continue.” He added with a chuckle.  

“Her birthday is St. Patrick’s Day, so she’s going to be turning eighteen, she is going into Year twelve or her “senior year of high school” as they call it in America. She loves the beach and the ocean, it’s her favorite place to be and because she loves it so much she wants to become a Marine Biologist.”

“Wow that’s different. Does she know where she wants to go to school?” asked Calum.

“Not yet, but she has a list of different colleges she’s looking at.” I told him.

“What else?” Ashton asked gesturing for me to continue.

“She snowboards and has been playing softball since she was 5 years old-”

“Wow, what’s that twelve years?” Michael asked shocked.

“Yeah and she loves it, she says she couldn’t imagine playing any other sport.”

“Now that’s dedication.” Calum commented. “What else?”

“She paints, she’s actually been taking private art lessons longer than we’ve been a band and she’s really good, she sent me some pictures of her artwork.” I pulled up the pictures on my phone and showed them.

“Holy crap! She’s really talented!” Ashton said stunned.

“Yeah she’s really gifted.” I said with a smile growing on my face. “She said she’s best at painting flowers and enjoys painting them the most.” I added with a slight laugh, thinking how cute she is.

“Anything else?” Michael asked.

“Not really.” I said. “Oh!” I said suddenly just remembering something. “She just got a job at this aquarium at a boardwalk down the shore so she can get an idea what it would be like to be a Marine Biologist and work with the animals and do research.” I explained to them.

“That’s a really good idea!” Ashton said.

“Yeah she’s really excited about it.”

“Well she sounds amazing mate. No wonder you haven’t stopped talking to her.” Calum said.

“Yeah I would really like to meet her again and actually talk her.” Ashton added.

“I want you guys to meet her, but I have to have a date with her first and I’m trying to figure out a time when we have off so I can take her out.” I said to them.

“Well tour is ending soon, but maybe she can come out here so you two can go out on a date and we can get to know her better.” Michael suggested.

“Yeah we can fly her out to where ever we are so she can experience what it’s like on tour and she can get to know us.” Ashton added.

“You guys would do that for me?”  I asked them with suspicion.

“Of course mate, you really like her and if you’re that serious about it then we support you; besides Katharine sounds like a really great girl.”  Calum said as he patted my back.

“You mates are the best you know that?” I told them.

“Don’t be getting all soft and mushy on us mate.” Michael teased me. “But yeah we know.” and we all laughed and they went back to playing FIFA and I quickly texted Katharine.

“Hey, are you doing anything next week?”

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