Chapter 22

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I was finally released from the hospital and have been back home at the apartment for two weeks now. Making sure I did something fun with everyone cherishing these days together as they could be my last with them. Since the shark attack we’ve not only become closer friends, but closer family, as we’ve all seen a side of each other very few people get to see.

Yesterday we picked up my parents from the airport; they practically hugged me to death with worry and concern. My mom believes I’m going to become depressed because many people who go through life changing events like what happened to me become depressed, which I might depending on what happens in the next 48 hours.

“Katharine. Princess. Wake up.” Luke whispered as he hovered above me, kissing my face after every word.

I groaned and turned on my side still in between Luke’s arms, pulling the blanket up around me, not want to get out of the comfort of my bed that I’ve missed so much. Luke missed these moments the most while I was in the hospital, it showed with the little thing he did, taking in every moment he possibly could with me.

“Come on, babe, the party’s tonight.” Luke said with eagerness, kissing my cheek.

I moaned again, pulling the covers over my head.

“Oh so that’s how it’s going to be?” he asked, I could sense the cheeky grin growing on his face. He moved off the bed and yanked the covers off exposing me, wearing a softball t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts.

“No.” I whined, rolling onto my stomach giggling. Luke climbed back on top of me. He sighed since I still wasn’t moving so he started kissing my neck and nibbling my ear.

“Luke stop.” I laughed at his pursuits to get me up. He didn’t stop though; I rolled back onto my back so I was looking up at him.

“I’m up ok!” I laughed, but he still continued to kiss me, now kissing me under my jaw line.

“If you’re going to continue to kiss me, at least kiss me properly.” I laughed, taking his head in my hands and crashed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We laid there for a few minutes, it now turning into a make out session. I missed the feel of his lips against mine, his cold lip ring brushing against my skin, sending chills down my spine. We haven’t had a lot of time like this together since I got back from the hospital, since someone else was always with me. Plus I’ve been busy with physical therapy and he’s been busy getting ready for the party tonight.

Soon my stomach took over my mind.

“I smell French toast.” I mumbled against his lips.

“Well if you got up before, you could have been eating some right now.” he laughed.

“Well maybe if you said that there was French toast, I would have gotten up.”

“You sure about that?”

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