Chapter 23

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***Luke’s POV***

It was starting to get late. I knew Katharine had her meeting today, but I didn’t think it would go this long. On top of that it’s raining cats and dogs outside; I hope they didn't get stuck out in this bad weather. The mates, girls, Tony and I came back after a long day of interviews, now we’re all just hanging around the apartment watching TV, anxious for Katharine to come back and tell us what’s going to happen. As we sit there, there’s a knock at the door.

“I got it.” I said getting up from the couch.

“I bet that’s Katharine and she probably forgot her key.” Ashton laughed.

I expected it to be Katharine or at least that’s who I was anticipating, but when I opened the door it wasn’t Katharine, it was her parents, dripping wet from being out side in the rain. I became worried. Why are they here and where’s Katharine?

“Luke, thank god, is Katharine here?” Mrs. Mitchell asked me worriedly.

“No, we’re waiting for her to come back. I thought she was with you.” I told her and the hope on her face disappeared. Everyone from the couch walked over to see what was going on.

“Why?” I asked with concern.

“We can’t find her.” Mr. Mitchell told me.

“What? Here come in.” I said, gesturing them to come in. Katey and Gill both ran and got towels for them since they were drenched in water, I’m going to assume they were looking for Katharine before coming here.

“What happened?” I asked them as they sat down and Katey and Gill both handed them towels to dry off.

“Well we were at the meeting and of course like we expected the scholarship was revoked and we said that we have to unenlist Katharine at the school because we can’t afford it after all the medical bills.” Mrs. Mitchell explained taking a breath before continuing.

“Once we were alone for a few minutes before the councilor came back, Katharine asked what was going to happen now and we told her she would have to move back home and go to school at Monmouth and she got even more upset and started arguing with us that she wanted to stay here. We told her no and that she had a week to come back home and she stormed out of the office, crying, and now we can’t find her.” Her mom cried.

“Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have listened to her! I should have gone with her!” Tony yelled with frustration.

I sat there in complete and utter shock. Katharine would be moving back home. My emotions were ranging between anger and disappointment. I stood up and walked around clenching my fists, trying to control my anger. Michael, Calum and Ashton were standing by trying to calm me down and ultimately failing. I couldn’t control myself any longer; I ended up punching the wall and yelling out in frustration. Mike, Cal and Ash rushed over to me to try to stop me, but I pushed them away.

“How could you do that to her?” I screamed at her parents. “After all she’s been through the past month! You know she loves it out here and now you’re forcing her to move home!” tears were now running down my face.

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