chapter 3

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Wally: help us with what
Jai: save mum, tata, 3 year old me and 3 year old ivey
Bart: your not allowed to see your past self.
Lain: we are not changing the past tho.
Josh: its in the history book. That we help save them
Jai: and i remeber seeing my past self. Don't you remember ivey?
Ivey: i was unconuses remember
Jai: oh yeah
Mari nods
M'gann: why do they need saving?
Mari: the court of owls has them.
Bart: what?
M'gann: what are the court of owls?
Wally: Dick once told me a nursery rhyme about them. how did it go?
Ivey/jai: Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed. Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head
Bart: how did you memorise it?
Jai: from the day we learnt to talk to we escaped at 3. we had to say that ever morning and after noon.
Ivey: and it was the first thing i said
M'gann: thats mean.
Jai: yeah
Josh: can we please just make a plan to save them?
Lain: yes can we?
Wally: yes
Bart: first, mari and ivey need to eat.
Mari: but i'm not hungry
Ivey: me to.
Bart: mari ivey eat some food now
Ivey/mari: no
Lain: you need to eat
Ivey/mari: no we don't
Josh: you will fiant again
Ivey/mari: no we won't
Jai: ivey artemis grayson. Mari west eat somthing now
Ivey/mari: no!
Wally': why do they need to eat if they are not hungry?
Lain: becasue of their powers
Josh: and they are never hungry
M'gann: what powers
Mari: super speed and fire bolts
Ivey sighs
Jai: ivey you don't have to say if you don't want
Ivey: i need to. Force feild, mind control, night vision, turn into an owl, telpaphy, inhanced sensors and soul milipulation.
Wally: whats soul milipulation?
Ivey: i can control peoples souls
Wally: oh.
M'gann: how do you have powers your perants don't have powers.
Mari: my true parents expremented on me and gave me supper speed and fire bolts.
Ivey: the court of owls expremented on me. Gave me powers so they could have the perfect talon.
Wally: oh my.
Josh: and thats way you two need to eat now!
Ivey/mari: but....
Wally: yep you two need to eat. No buts
Ivey/mari: fine
M'gann: i'll go make you somthing for you both to eat
M'gann flys off. Then wally see that ivey and mari are panting
Wally: ivey, mari are you ok?
They shack their head.
Bart: whats wrong?
Jai: oh no
Jai goes over to them and makes them drink somthing and they calm down
Josh: why didn't you tell us today was the anervesry of the day you two got your powers
Lain: you know you both have to take a tablet today
Mari/ivey: sorry
Bart: its ok
M'gann then comes back and gives some food to ivey and mari and they eat it

What will happen next? Will they find artemis and Dick? Read on to find out

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