chapter 7

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Jason: why do you mean by saving them?
Tim; what has happened to them?
Jai: Tata and mama have been kidnaped by the court of owls
Damian: what did they do to them?
Mari: they tortured them untill tati and Artemis gave up.
Jai: Tata became the Talan and is the heir to be owl man and the master of the court. Mama became night owl.
Mari:  they helped the court with everything but hurt hurt children. Even if it meant killing someone.
Jason: you said you was going to save 3 year old jai and ivey. If they are 3 when where they born?
Tim: where wear they born?
Jai: me and my twin was born 3 years ago. A few months after mama and tata had given up. Mama found out she was pregnant. 9 months later me and ivey was born.
Damian: what did they do?
Ivey had stayed quiet this whole time looking down. Jai hugs ivey
Ivey: we was only allowed to see mama and Tata once a month. they trained jai to fight and be owl.  they tortured me. Injected things into me. expremented on me. They gave me powers. My first words was the court of owls chant. They made me the perfect Talan. I am next in line after Tata.
Ivey starts crying. Mari and jai hug her trying to calm her down.
Alfred: oh my that's horrible
Damian, surprising everyone, went up to ivey, jai and mari and hugged them. This makes them flinch from fear but they hid it. After a while they all have calmed down. Mari, ivey and jai pull away from damian. They smile at him.
Bruce: now. Alfred is their bedrooms set up?
Alfred: yes master Bruce. Right this way children.
Jai, ivey and Mari follow Alfred to their rooms and they go to sleep in their beds. The others go to bed to.

What will happen next? Will they save the Grayson's? Will everyone be ok? Why did ivey, jai and Mari flich when Damian hugged them? Read on to find out

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