Chapter 2 Silly Bois Being Gay n Shit

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Okay guys. Here is the truth... Yes I have been studying A LOT, but I have also been binge reading other peoples fanfics because they are so great, that I just haven't bothered with my own...OOOPPSIE..And I went to my first comicon yesterday (had the time of my fucking life) I cosplayed MOMO and spent nearly $300 .w. so with that said, here is ma next chapta asshats..with much love

Kirishima POV

ALRIGHTY then.... I have only arrived 20 minutes early because I'm so damn nervous.. I need to seriously mentally prepare for this....I don't even know what to call this. Probably a torture session. I didn't think he would actually agree to meet me here. I just figured he would beat the money out of me to replace the tea..I order myself a coffee because why the hell not, and just guessed on what kinda tea he had. I remember when it spilled all over me, that it was a deeper green color. So I figured it was matcha tea. As I stare at my cup and circle the rim with my pointer finger, still deep in thought, I hear the jingle of the door opening and look up. But it wasn't him, so I continue to stare into the abyss of my black steaming coffee.

Finally I bring the cup up to my lips and slowly sip it, trying not to burn the shit out of my mouth. I slightly tip the cup down so it isn't obscuring my vision, and almost spat all the coffee out of my mouth. I slammed my cup down as slightly screeched " WHaT In ThE HelL?!?!?!" as some of the coffee overflows onto the table. "Way to go dipshit" Bakugo says. "When the hell did you get here?" I ask as I frantically start swabbing up the coffee with some napkins. "I slipped in right after that dude buying shit at the counter. You sure are a fucking cluts aren't you?" "Normally I'm not, but apparently just in front of you I am.."I get up to go throw away all the dirty napkins and when I turn around I noticed that their is now a nice steamy bun sitting on our table.

I wiggle myself back into the booth and stare at him intently..."Are you going to eat that.....?" I ask curiously. *Bakugo runs his hand through his hair, with a really irritated expression now on his face* ".....Did I say something wrong?" I say with a closed mouth smirk. *deeply inhales and exhales* "...I brought this for you....I figured since you were buying me a new tea...that should get you a new stupid fucking steamed bun, since you for some reason dropped it on the sidewalk...TCHHH, fucking dumb fuck." My eyes light up with joy and snatch it off the table and go to take a bit. Next thing I know, HE HAS HIS FUCKING FINGER IN MY MOUTH.

I drop the bun out of sheer shock, as he starts to lean in closer and closer to my face. "U-U-ummm what are you doing?" I try to say, but it sounds all muffled since his pointer finger is still in my mouth. He then grabs my chin with his thumb and pulls me even closer to his face. Avoiding eye contact, I can feel my cheeks start to blush. "Your teeth are so fucking pointy. How do you even brush your teeth without destroying a tooth brush?" "Ugghhhh well ya would be a lot easier to talk without you shoving your fingers down my throat.." He glares up at me with big curious eye, and a notice a little smirk come across his face.

He finally slips his finger out of my mouth and then licks my drool that was on his finger from me try to talk with it in my mouth. I feel my face turn bright red and I almost start to sweat. My heart is racing and I feel like I just want to run away...again. His smirk continues to grow the more embarrassed I get. " You're so funny." he teased me, breaking the tension in the air. "So how did you know what kinda tea to get me? I never told you what I had." he asks me leaning back into his seat. "Well, when I ended up wearing it all over myself, I noticed the green tint to it, and I also recognized the smell. My mom always makes matcha tea at home." I say rubbing the back of my head.

I watch as he swiftly gets up and he slithers into the both next to me. I grasp onto the seat from nervousness, still staring forward, not acknowledging that he decided to sit next to me. I feel him lean in closer to me. " You know, if you didn't run away like a little bitch, I would have gladly licked the tea off your body.....By the way, did you get burned by the tea?" I slap my hands to my face to hide the redness that, once again, filled my face. "Y-Yeah, I mean N-No, I didn't get burned. I used my quirk in enough time to block the hot tea from touching my skin." *still has hands on his face* "Kirishima" I hear his ask me. "hmm" I scruffally reply. (No clue if that is even a real word) He rips my hands from my face and grabs onto my face with one hand, squishing my cheeks together and forces me to look at him. "Will you fucking look at me when I'm talking to you, damn. Learn some fucking manners you piece of shit." he says looking grumpy

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