Chapter 6 What in the FUCK

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I'm a piece of shit for taking so long for this chapter. But I refuse to apologize, so fuck you.

Also check out itybity, fucking amazing assholes!

SO this whole chapter is going to be from Bakugos POV....

I try to slip into my front door unnoticed, but seconds after I hear the click of the door, I knew what was to be expected. "The fuck have you been ass wipe? You're covered in so much dirt...Do I even want to know what happened?" my mom says to me. "Why can't you ever just leave me the hell alone women? I just tripped is all." I explain "HA, yeah tripped into that boys ass is what it looks like. You think I'm that stupid or something. Dirty knees and it almost looks like handprints on the back of your shirt, pshhh boi" "MOM, shut the flying fuck up. You think I'm just going to listen to your retarded ass? I'm going to bed" I said, interrupting her. I head up the stairs with a wave of my hand.

I plop on my bed and stare at my ceiling. I didn't even notice how dirty I was until she had pointed that out. Shit, I can't imagine how filthy Kirishima must be...My mind wanders to what he had told me, that he has never done anything with anyone before. Pretty surprised considering how attractive he is. A warm sensation grows in my stomach as I think of me being his first, what a pleasure to have been given to me. I mean, that was also my first time fucking someone else, and lord was it amazing. But alas, I've had shit done to me in the past by someone. Ughh, I just need some damn sleep already.


The next day was uneventful. Just a boring day at school, at least we got to train today though. Let me blow off some pent up energy. "Ayyy Bakugo!" Kirishima says nudging me. "Sup shit hair?" I reply. "Come with me to the mall. I need to find some new clothes." he says in a demanding but soft tone. "Don't you have friends to go do shit like that with?" I say. "Well ya see, they got some other stuff going on. So that leaves you and me." he smirks at me. It quickly fades once he realizes what I said. "You don't consider me your friend?" he questioned me. *sigh* "Don't take things so personally, would ya. Besides you think I'd just fuck anybody? The hell kinda person you take me for.." I mumble at him. I look over at him and he's starting to blush. Kirishima rubs the back of his neck "Heh, I-I dunno. Let's just forget about it." he mussed.


Mkay, so its been like forty-five minutes and this damn red head can't pick shit out for the life of him. Why does it always take him so much time to do anything. "Can you hurry the fuck up, I'd like to get home at a decent time to study dumbass." I bark at him. "Well, maybe if you'd do more than just stand there an help me, this would be going a lot smoother. Normally when you go shopping with somebody, they actually put some type of input to what looks good." he says to me while grabbing another shirt. "Tch, alright. Lets go try on some of this shit on asshole." I tell him while pushing him towards the dressing rooms. The store we chose to go to, had the type of dressing rooms where you don't need an associate to unlock for you, you just go in willy nilly. As I shove him into the little room, Kirishima turns to me confused "Ummm Bakugo, what're you doing...." "You asked for help, so Ima help you is all." I say in his ear.

This room is defiantly not meant for two people, so small an cramped. We barely have enough room to breathe. It quickly becomes warm from our bodies radiating heat. "What are you waiting for, you gunna take your shirt off or not. Oh wait, I forgot, you need help.." I tell him as I begin to yank his shirt up. Kirishima tries to tell me something, but he is too muffled by his shirt in his face for me to understand what he's saying. "Shut up bitch, you're the one who wanted help" I tease him as his head finds its way out of the shirt. I place my right forearm up against the wall next to his head and put my left hand against his abs, pushing him into the corner. His pupils almost look as if they are pulsing in his eyes. I smirk at his nervousness as I graze my fingers across the waves on his stomach. Kirishima bites his bottom lip, which drives me insane.

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