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Betty🍭 started a conversation with Cheryl👑
Betty🍭: hey cheryl do u have a minute?
Cheryl👑: unfortunately, i do. what is it betty?
Betty🍭: since u are the head of the river vixens, i wanted to ask if i could go more towards the front for the routine. im really improving cheryl.
Cheryl👑: hmmm let me think about it. NO.
Betty🍭: why???
Cheryl👑: because we dont want to embarrass ourselves.
Betty🍭: are u kidding? Not only are we "friends" were family. im so done with u being a bitch towards me and all my friends.
Cheryl👑: whatever betty, your minute is up. now goodbye.
Betty🍭 left MY MAINS😭🙏💦👅
Veronica💎: does anyone know why betty left the chat?
Cheryl👑: i do. shes pissed off at me because i wont let her go in the front for our river vixens routine.
Veronica💎: what did u say specifically
Cheryl: nothing...
Kevin🏳️‍🌈: SPILL
Cheryl👑: i told her that if she was in the front she would embarrass us.
Jughead👀: wth Cheryl! Thats my girlfriend that your being a bitch to. Leave her alone.
Archie🙉: ^^^
Kevin🏳️‍🌈: archie, you are dating betty too?😂
Archie🙉: i didnt realize it would come out as that...😂
Veronica kicked Cheryl👑 out of the chat
Veronica added Betty🍭 to the chat
Toni👊 left the chat
Betty🍭: thanks for looking out for me guys💕
Jughead👀: ofc betty, ily💕
Betty🍭: i love u too juggy💓💓
Veronica💎: ^^^

Riverdale texts🤠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang