Toni👊 started a new chat with Cheryl👑
Toni👊: hey babe, you seemed upset at school today. Whats wrong?
Read at 6:23 p.m
Toni👊: why did u leave me on read?
Cheryl👑: i dont feel like talking to u rn.
Toni👊: well, we dont have to talk ab that. can i still come over? Im bored🙏💕
Cheryl👑: no. Im not in the mood. just leave me alone
Toni👊: what a great mood ur in
Read at 7:05 p.m.
Toni👊 started a chat with Veronica💎
Toni👊: hey, sorry for leaving the chat. I wasnt sure if Cheryl would get mad if i stayed.
Veronica💎: its fine, toni. do u wanna be added back
Toni👊: idk...
Veronica💎: dont worry ab cheryl and her period.
Toni👊: but shes my gf
Veronica💎: well it doesnt seem like shes being a good one to you u rn
Veronica💎 added Toni👊 back to
Toni👊:hey guys
Veronica💎: toni, is everything ok with u and cheryl
Toni👊: honestly idk
Betty🍭: just try asking her ok...
Toni👊: why
Veronica💎: well, we saw cheryl kissing another girl

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