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(POV You)

-So, (Y/N)-chan, -said my best friend Yui Rio while eating her bento,- did you apply to the student council?
-Yeah. Finally~!!!
Yui chuckled a little.
-I'm happy seeing you happy, (Y/N)-chan~.

Yeah, I was WAY TOO HAPPY today. I've wanted to be a member of student council since I knew that it exists, and now I can finally become a one!!!

-And what club did you apply for, Yui-chan?
-Oh, I didn't apply yet. I thought about sports club or martial arts club...
-Great choice, Yui-chan! So what are you waiting for?
-I just don't like that leader of the sports club.... What was his name again?
-Yes. He's a sort of creepy.
-And what about martial arts club?

Suddenly Yui's face became as red as a tomato.
-Ooh~... You know, um, (Y/N)-chan... I'm... I'm just, uh... Not good at them. Yeah. Not good at them, ahaha~...

I smiled, because I was guessing about why Yui was so flattered.

-Hah, okay~.

I stood up because I already wanted to go to class.

-Hey! Where are you going so early?
-I don't want to be late on my lesson. You can go to, by the way.
-But (Y/N)-chan....

I took her hand.

-Come on. I have some time to walk you to class.

After some time with my BFF I was sitting in my classroom.

Surprisingly, nobody was there, except me and a young woman sitting behind me. I didn't recognize her, but something told me that she was a student council member.

She was quiet but looked serious, just like Kuroko, who gave me that student council questionnaire.

I turned around to her.

-Hi, um... My name is (Y/N).

White-haired young woman looked at me. Her eyes were blue and pure, like clean spring water. She kept gazing on me for like two minutes, and then answered.

-Megami. Nice to meet you, young lady.

She lended me a hand, and then tenderly shook mine.

-I saw you before here, (Y/N)-san. One of my.... friends told me, that you were interested in student council for a very long time. Am I correct?
-Yeah, you are. I applied for it already. I feel so excited!!! And very nervous... Hah, I'm such a mess~

Megami smiled. Shyly, flattered, but she gave me a bright smile.

-No need to be nervous, (Y/N)-san~. Think positive.
-I'll try.

She put her hand closer to mine.

-By the way, Megami-san.... Are you related to the student council?

Suddenly Megami blushed a little.

-Yes, uh... It may sound disappointing, but I'm its leader.

Wait, WHAT?!??! I thought Kuroko is a leader... But if I'll have as cute girl as her as a leader of my club..... That would be.... very good for me~.


I couldn't say anything else. Just this huge WOW.

-Haha~, no need to be so surprised. I know you might have thought that the leader is my friend Kuroko... but she isn't. I am.

We stared at each other. I was still surprised, she was still mysteriously smiling.

But thank God the rest of our class and the teacher came in.

Megami suddenly covered her blushing face with a hand, and I quickly turned around.

That's how our Biology Lesson started~.

[DISCONTINUED] A new member Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora