bro whet??

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bro. bro. bro. bro.

you got me all the way fucked up.

reyna told me to start writing when i get really sad or angry so here it goes.

you're such a fucking toxic person. and i tried to be patient and understanding but why when those feelings are even fucking reciprocated.

it takes 2 people to tango lil girl and all you have been doing is stepping on my feet and me being the one apologizing for it and i'm over it.

vicky was never in the picture like you. you fucking dramatic asshole. i NEVER loved vicky as much as i loved you but you continuously used that bullshit against me and i took it but i'm done just taking shit. i always sat back and let you say what i was doing wrong "using it against you" and shit like that NO I DID NOT. and don't in your life ever say that lie because you will be the fucking liar once again. she was my friend that was there for me when YOU YOU (lemme say it one more time cuz it takes a couple times to get it through your thick skull) YOU fucked up and made me cry and left me by myself. you know how i feel about other people in my life yet you still left me smh and made me feel like it was my fault. no it fucking wasn't grow a fucking pair and own up to your fuckin mistakes. i can do it why can't you? i tell you and myself when i fuck up but you refuse to and would rather cover it up with excuses, lies blaming other people. stop that bullshit. 

you're fucking 18 years old and can't own up to your fucking bullshit.

i have tried to be so nice throughout this whole fucking process and here you are making the whole fucking situation about you being the victim and me being the bad guy because i told you a little bit of the truth. well boo hoo honey why don't ya cry about it a little bit

that shit is so fucking disrespectful it don't even make sense 

you talk about all these other girls fucking you over but why don't you stop for a minute and reakize what you might have been doing to them. you manipulate, lie and blame others when it comes back to bite you in the ass. 

it makes no sense to be that jealous of someone who i have no sexual or romantic connections with unless you have a problem with your own self love and worth honey. it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with YOU (once again) YOU.

there's so much to say to you.

it makes no sense

you know what type of life i have yet i let you come in, show you my family, myself, my friends my everything and you do this and wanna still act like the victim no honey.

you been living your best life and little did you know i was crying wasting my fucking time, energy and tears over someone who is going on about their life.

well that shit stops now if we're not feeling equally hurt then already there is a problem going on that clearly hadn't been address and was just flying below the radar. but now the cats outta the bag and your bullshit is sprawled out on this table staring you in the face. 

get your shit together. 

don't get into another relationship with someone acting this childish just so you can mess with their head too and build them up saying "oh i love you so much" and "you're so beautiful" and "i wanna marry you" just to go waste their time and tear all that down in a matter of seconds. you let what we had built for over a year go to ashes in less than a day and didn't even shed a fucking tear about it. 

but i'm over here crying a whole fucking river for you? not anymore honey.

i'm so fucking angry bro.

but it's all good bro cuz you know what? i'm cute. i know i'm cute, you know i'm cute and a whole lotta other people know i'm cute too. don't ever try to play me because you could replace in a snap. the only thing that stopped me was because i didn't want to replace you. i wanted to stay and love you but all you did was stab me in the back and make me regret it. i declined so many people to stay with you and this is what happens? I had so many other options other than you but i had faith and TRUSTED you and you know i do not even trust my own parents and all you did was remind me why i don't trust people.

but i also feel so bad for you.

it's people like you in this world that cuz hatred and bad things to happen.

cuz with you acting like that you're never gonna be with someone and stay with them at least not in a happy relationship

but it's okay cuz i'm learning to be a more positive person so i won't hate you per say but strongly dislike you and everything you stand for. 

don't do what you did to me to other girls. because would you want someone treating your future daughter the way you treated me? let that sink in for a second. would you want your daughter feeling this heartbroken over someone they loved? i didn't think so. so don't do it again.

i've run out of apologises for you so instead i say thank you for teaching me to never trust motherfuckers like you and to teach my kids the same thing. 

so i strongly dislike you but i love you so much.


always with strong dislike but love,

the girl you're gonna miss the most,

the girl you're gonna wish you had,

the girl who gave you her all,

autumn thomas

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