Chapter 4 - The Next Day (Serena's POV)

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So this chapter is just the next day from the last chapter but from Serena's POV.

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I wake up at a decent time this morning. 6:30. Not bad. I still got about a half hour till my alarm (Fennekin) wakes me up and an hour till the bus arrives.

I decided to just let Fennekin sleep while I take a shower. She deserves a good rest.

I took a pretty long shower. It just makes me feel good.

By the time I got out, Fennekin was sitting outside the bathroom door. "Good morning, Fennekin." I looked at the time and saw that it was 7.

When I got downstairs, I noticed that my mother was gone. She must've gone to work. I quick got a bowl of cereal and started eating my breakfast. I finished eating by the time the bus got here. I grabbed my school stuff, left the house with Fennekin, and got onto the bus. I say down in my usual spot next to Iris. "Good morning, Iris."

"Morning, Serena," she responded. "How are you?"

"Good. And you?"

"Pretty good."

We just made small talk for the rest of the ride. We didn't really have much to talk about today.

"Hey, Iris," I started when I got off the bus.

"Yeah?" she answered.

I then turned around to her with a more serious look. "I want to challenge you to a battle!" I demanded. "I know I only got Fennekin but it'd be nice to battle someone. Just a simple 1-on-1. I've just been dying to battle you all school year and I feel like now would be the perfect time."

She just stared at me, thinking of what to say. "Sure, Serena. I'll battle you. But just remember, just because we're best friends doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you."


We then rushed to the battle field and each took a side. There were some other students on each sideline waiting to watch the battle begin.

"Alright, Fennekin," I started talking to Fennekin's pokéball. "This will be one of our first battles outside of the Kalos region. So let's do our best! Come on out!" I shouted.

Fennekin then popped out of her pokéball, ready to battle. Fenn! Fenn!

"Axew! Your turn!" Iris shouted, extending her arm.

Axew came running out of her hair, jumped off her arm, and landed on the battle field. Axew-ew.

"You get first move, Serena."

"Alright. Fennekin, use flame thrower!"

"Axew, counter it with dragon rage!"

The battle went on for several minutes. "Come on Fennekin! You have to get up! We got this!"

Just then, Fennekin became engulfed in a red flame. "Fennekin?!" I worriedly asked. When the flame cleared, she was glowing red and the colors of her eyes were red as well. "Fennekin! What's wrong with you?!"

"Would Fennekin happen to be a fire starter?" someone from the sidelines asked.

I looked over and it was a guy with purple hair. He was wearing black pants along with a purple shirt.

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