Chapter 6 - HOMECOMING (Serena's POV)

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Finally! The chapter we've all been crying and waiting for is finally here. You know, to be honest, I was really looking forward to this chapter ever since the beginning. The reason why it took so long is cuz I've been working a ton of hours. Also, I just couldn't wait any longer. I didn't want to keep you all waiting for this chapter. That would mean I'm letting you all down as an author of this fan fiction.

This may also be the last chapter of the book depending on if I get any other ideas.

So without further adieu, I present to you, my readers, the true amourshipping chapter! Please, enjoy!


Homecoming sure did come by fast. I just can't believe it. I decided not to dress up today because I wasn't sure if anyone else was going to.

I'm so happy that Ash likes me again. Yeah, it's been a few weeks, but I still can't get over it.

I decided to have a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast. Time sure did fly. By the time I finished, the bus was here. I headed out the door and onto the bus with Fennekin. I sat down next to Iris. I'm glad that I have her as a friend. She supported me throughout the year up to now. I got a good feeling about our friendship.

"Hey, Serena," Iris greeted me.

"Morning, Iris," I responded, happily.

We mainly talked for most of the bus ride until a question popped up.

"So, Serena," Iris started. "Do you think you're going to the homecoming dance on Saturday night? If you do, will it be with a guy you like?"

Those questions struck my like a bullet. She already knew about my childhood crush on Ash. All I could do at this point was just blush.

"N-n-no... I don't know," I responded. This wasn't you're average blush, it was your heavy almost half to full face blush bright red. I already know I got the crush on Ash. But having a friend know about the crush, man that just made me blush at my hardest.

"Will it be Ash?" she asked me.

Ok! Now I know my whole face was bright red. "I-I-I don't know," I stuttered out.

When we got to the school, I quickly got off the bus. I headed straight to the restroom to gather myself up.

Don't worry, Serena. I told myself. You just gotta make it through this week, and you'll be in the clear. I sure hope Iris doesn't do anything like that again. Especially in front of Ash!

The day went by pretty fast, though. But, when study hall came up, I was blushing just a little bit when I saw Ash coming up to me. I don't know what would happen today. But instead, we just talked and worked on class stuff. He did say, though, he may go to the dance on Saturday. I wonder if he'll be going with anyone. The class went by pretty fast. When school got out, I went to the bus, rode home with a seat next to Iris, and got home. Pretty much Ash and I texted until I went to bed.

The next day (Tuesday), Ash was sick. But we did text basically all day. 4 of my teachers told me to put my phone away. In study hall, I got lucky and got to call Ash. We talked about what our days were like.

At lunch, I almost got into a fight with Dawn because apparently, I was the one who ended their relationship. so that really put me down for the day. But I'm glad I could talk to Ash about it. He makes me feel like I could tell him anything. More than what I could even tell Iris, well except the fact that I got a crush on him. I'm blushing just thinking if I did tell Ash I had a crush on him.

The day went by pretty fast and Ash and I pretty much talked on the phone until he went to bed. He went to bed early because he was still a little sick. I sure hope he gets better tomorrow.

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